Figure 3.
(A) Time aligned spike density function (SDF) of visual and updating responses: black and blue SDF corresponds to visual responses when target or distracter corresponded with entry point of the example neuron’s RF, respectively. Red and green SDF corresponds to updating responses for target and distracter, respectively. The inset shows the correlation between visual and updating response towards the target at different time lags. This neuron shows maximum correlation (r-value) when updating response lags behind the visual response by 137 ms. (B) Correlation between visual and updating responses: correlation between visual and updating response for target is plotted as a function of correlation for the distracter. All the neurons show a higher correlation between visual and updating response for target when compared with that for distracter. (C) Time lag for best correlation: shows the histogram representation of the time lag or lead when visual and updating responses showed maximum correlation across the sample of neurons. The median lag for the population was 55 ms, i.e., updating response lagged behind visual response by 55 ms.