Fig. 6.
Quantitative parameters of germ cells, follicle progenitors, and GFCs. a Histogram of 2682 germ cell diameters from 21 total colonies, three from each stage of the blastogenic cycle. b Histogram of 2936 follicle progenitor cell diameters from 21 total colonies, three from each stage of the blastogenic cycle. Two outlying data points have been omitted from this histogram corresponding to diameters of 18.598 and 23.089 µm. c Histogram of the number of germ cells per cluster from 241 GFCs observed in 21 colonies at different stages of the blastogenic cycle. d Histogram of the number of follicle progenitor cells per cluster from 241 GFCs observed in 21 colonies at different stages of the blastogenic cycle. e Histogram of the total number of cells per cluster from 241 GFCs observed in 21 colonies at different stages of the blastogenic cycle. f Histogram of the log 2 of the ratio of the number of follicle progenitors (FC) to the number of germ cells (GC) in a given cluster, for 241 GFCs observed in 21 colonies at different stages of the blastogenic cycle