APase choroid from a 88 year-old Caucasian male with GA (Case #9) showing the nonatrophic region (A,D&G), border region (B,E&H) and atrophic region (C,F&I) in flat view prior to embedment (A–C) and in cross sections stained with PAS and hematoxylin (D–I). APase stained capillaries in the nonatrophic region (A) have broad diameter lumens filled with serum APase (arrow in D&G), with endothelial cells and pericytes (paired arrows) underlying viable RPE (arrowhead in D&G). At the border region, RPE appear hypertrophic (arrowhead in E&H), capillaries appear constricted (arrow in E&H), and some have completely degenerated (paired arrows H). A thin basal laminar deposit is associated with Bruch’s membrane (open arrow). In the atrophic region, many capillaries have degenerated leaving only remnants of basement membrane material (arrows in F&I). Some highly constricted viable capillaries had serum APase activity suggesting flow at some level.(scale bar = 100 μm in A–C, 30 μm in D–F, 10 μm in G–I)