APase choroid from an 81 year-old Caucasian female with wet AMD (Case #10) showing submacular CNV using epi-illumination (A&C) and transillumination (B&D). The front of growing vessels is closely associated with viable RPE (arrows A–D). Areas of CC dropout are evident in advance of the CNV (asterisks A&B). In PAS and hematoxylin stained sections, the equatorial region (E&H), has broad capillaries (arrows) containing serum APase with both endothelial cells and pericytes. The RPE has a normal morphology (arrowhead) and Bruch’s membrane is free of deposits. In sections taken 1 mm beyond the CNV (F&I), only a few capillaries are viable (arrows) and many degenerative capillaries are seen (asterisks in I). The RPE is hypertrophic (arrowheads) and a basal laminar deposit is present. Sections taken through the edge of the CNV (G&J) show degenerative capillaries (asterisk in J), sub-RPE neovascularization (open arrow) and hypertrophic RPE overlying the leading edge of the CNV. (scale bar = 0.5mm A&B, 100 μm C&D, 30 μm E–G, and 10 μm H–J)