Figure 5.
(A) Class 8. Area 46d. Reconstruction of a CRet+ SPF cell. Note the radiate fan-like distribution of the dendritic processes. Numerous thorn-like protrusions emanate from the main processes. Swellings along the axonal process (ax) are indicated. Scale bar: 50 μm. Inset (A′): Enlarged image of the region in (A) illustrating several long, fine thorn-like protrusions arising from a thick secondary dendrite. (B) Photomicrographic montage of the dendritic arbor indicated by the polygonal region in (A). (C) 3D rotations showing the distribution of the cellular processes viewed in the plane perpendicular to the pial surface (90°) and viewed parallel with the pial surface (0°). (D) Class 8. Area 24b. CRet immunolabeling in superficial layers 1–2. A CRet+ SPF cell is indicated (arrow). Note the paucity of other CRet+ neurons in layer 1 compared with the increased density of labeled neuronal somata in layer 2 (asterisk). The slanted white double headed arrow indicates the plane of the pial surface which lies oblique to the axis of viewing. Capillary, c. Scale bar: 200 μm. (E) Enlarged image of the SPF cell in (H). One pole of the ellipsoid soma (arrow) gives rise to a thick branching dendrite that recurves and courses tangentially directly beneath the pial surface. Thorn-like processes arising proximally from the main dendrite are indicated (small white arrows). Region outlined is enlarged in inset which shows a CRet+ puncta abutting a dendritic thorn (d, dendrite). A dark vacuolated cellular profile is shown enlarged in (E′) Capillary, c. Scale bar: 100 μm. Inset shows (F) Reconstruction of the neuron in (E) (arrow). Fine thorn-like processes (small arrows) emanate from the thick main process (see inset). A small-caliber terminal process gives rise to several varicosities (one of which is encircled). Scale bar: 100 μm (G) Photomicrograph of the SPF soma — note lack of filaments arising from soma (c.f. Figures 2C,F). A thin axon-like processes (ax) emerges from one pole of the soma. Swelling along an immunopositive process (black circle). CRet+ punctae (presumed synaptic boutons) are present in the neighboring neuropil (white circle). Scale bar: 25 μm. (G′) A CRet+ axonal swelling (white arrow) closely opposed to a CRet+ distal dendritic process (d). Another CRet+ puncta is indicated (black arrow). (H) 3D-rotations of the SPF cell to show the distribution of the immunolabeled cellular processes when viewed in the perpendicular plane and in surface view. Note the fan-like spread of the labeled processes. Indicated are the visible CRet+ punctae (green dots) abutting the processes of the SPF cell. Scale bar: 100 μm. (I) Surface view of a group of three neighboring CRet+ neurons in upper layer 1 of area 46d. Categorized as a class 8 SPF cell, a superficial class 7 cell and the profile of a partly immunolabeled neuron. Clumps of lipofuscin (arrows) (Axon, ax). Scale bar: 100 μm.