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. 2015 May 13;41(4):429–440. doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsv039

Table II.

Demographic and Behavioral Variables by Generational Status (N = 317)

Characteristic First generation Mean (SD) or Number (%) Higher generation Mean (SD) or Number (%) Test statistic (t value or Yate’s chi-square, and effect size)a p value
Gender (male) 106 (82.8%) 127 (67.2%) χ2(1, N = 317) = 8.77, V = 0.17 .003
Age (years) 16.09 (1.14) 16.11 (1.27) t(315) = 0.14, d = 0.02 .89
Parental monitoring of locationb 3.63 (1.21) 3.72 (1.18) t(315) = 0.73, d = 0.08 .46
Parental monitoring of school attendanceb 3.35 (1.42) 3.33 (1.28) t(315) = −0.15, d = 0.02 .88
Parental monitoring of family dinner frequencyc 3.79 (2.21) 3.46 (2.45) t(315) = −1.22, d = 0.14 .22
Risky sexual behavior indexd 4.15 (4.82) 4.39 (4.90) t(314) = 0.44, d = 0.05 .66

aCramer’s V for Yates chi-square test effect size indicated by V and Cohen’s d for independent samples t-test effect size indicated by d.

bMeasured on a Likert-type scale ranging from never (1) to almost always (5).

cMeasured from 0 (0 times per week) to 7 (every night).

dPotentially ranges from 0 (no sexual intercourse) to 20 (frequent unprotected sexual intercourse).