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. 2016 Apr 12;17:159. doi: 10.1186/s12891-016-1009-8

Table 3.

Mechanism of injury, mean age, gender distribution and AO/OTA type of humeral fractures

AO/OTA type, %
Mechanism of injury N (%) Open N Mean age >50 years, N (%) Women, % A B C
Prox Simple fall 932 (59.0) 0 71.0 853 (91.5) 77.7 44.4 43.7 11.9
Unspecified fall 284 (18.0) 2 69.1 254 (89.4) 73.6 43.3 48.6 8.1
Fall from height 162 (10.3) 1 68.5 141(87.0) 71.6 40.7 48.8 10.5
Traffic 89 (5.6) 0 56.6 56 (62.9) 58.4 40.4 48.3 11.2
Miscellaneous 107 (6.8) 0 49.9 54 (50.5) 50.0 63.6 24.3 12.1
Pathological 5 (0.3) 0 75.0 5 (100) 60.0 60.0 20.0 20.0
Total 1579 (100) 3 68.2 1363 (86.3) 73.3 44.9 44.0 11.1
Shaft Simple fall 107 (41.3) 1 66.4 89 (83.2) 69.2 54.2 28.0 17.8
Unspecified fall 32 (12.4) 1 68.8 29 (90.6) 59.4 53.1 15.6 31.3
Fall from height 35 (13.5) 2 63.4 25 (71.4) 54.3 51.4 22.9 25.7
Traffic 20 (7.7) 1 40.6 4 (20.0) 40.0 65.0 25.0 10.0
Miscellaneous 46 (17.8) 1 38.2 13 (28.3) 32.6 58.7 37.0 4.3
Pathological 19 (7.3) 0 71.5 18 (94.7) 26.3 100 0 0
Total 259 (100) 6 59.5 178 (68.7) 53.8 58.4 25.6 16.0
Dist. Simple fall 93 (55.7) 5 71.3 84 (90.3) 79.6 39.8 31.2 29.0
Unspecified fall 21 (12.6) 3 73.0 20 (95.2) 81.0 42.9 14.3 42.9
Fall from height 18 (10.8) 4 59.4 12 (66.7) 68.4 22.2 27.8 50.0
Traffic 13 (7.8) 3 62.0 9 (69.2) 53.8 38.5 15.4 46.2
Miscellaneous 19 (11.4) 1 35.2 4 (21.1) 42.1 52.6 15.8 31.6
Pathological 3 (1.8) 0 71.7 3 (100) 66.7 66.7 0 33.3
Total 167 (100.1) 16 65.4 132 (79.0) 71.9 40.1 25.1 34.1
All Simple fall 1132 (56.5) 6 70.6 1026 (90.6) 77.0 45.0 41.2 13.9
Unspecified fall 337 (16.8) 6 69.3 303 (89.9) 72.7 44.2 43.3 12.5
Fall from height 215 (10.7) 7 66.9 178 (82.8) 68.4 40.9 42.8 16.3
Traffic 122 (6.1) 4 54.6 69 (56.6) 54.9 44.3 41.0 14.8
Miscellaneous 172 (8.6) 2 45.2 71 (41.3) 44.8 61.0 26.7 12.2
Pathological 27 (1.3) 0 72.2 26 (96.3) 37.0 88.9 3.7 7.4
Totala 2005 (100) 25 66.8 1673 (83.4) 70.7 46.3 40.0 13.6

aData on the mechanism of injury were available in 2,005 fractures. Data on three fractures in the proximal segment and three fractures in the shaft segment were missing