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. 2016 Mar 17;9(3):392–407. doi: 10.1177/1756283X16638830

Table 1.

Lifestyle intervention trials for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) treatment.

Reference Country Study design Patients, (% men) Liver fat content evaluation Intervention (type, time) Effects on liver fat content Effects on liver histological endpoints
Huang et al. [2005] USA Intervention without control arm 16 obese, (50) Liver biopsy NC, 12 months No effect Decreased ballooning/ inflammation
Kirk et al. [2009] USA RCT 22 obese, (18) MRS Low calorie HCD versus LCD, 11 weeks Decreased in HCD and LCD NP
Haufe et al. [2011] Germany RCT 102 obese, (18) MRS Low calorie LCD versus LFD, 6 months Decreased in LCD and LFD NP
Bozzetto et al. [2012] Italy RCT 36 diabetic, (81) MRS CHO/fiber versus MUFA, CHO/fiber+ exercise, versus MUFA + exercise, 8 weeks Decreased in MUFA and MUFA + exercise NP
Ryan et al. [2013] Australia RCT 12 obese, (50) MRS MD versus LF/HCD Decreased NP
Trovato et al. [2015] Italy Intervention without control arm 90 obese, (49) US MD, 6 months Decreased NP
Johnson et al. [2009] Australia RCT 19 obese, (NA) MRS Aerobic training versus regular stretching, 4 weeks Decreased NP
Van der Heijden et al. [2010] USA Intervention without control arm 15 obese and 14 lean (58) MRS Aerobic training obese versus lean, 12 weeks Decreased NP
Slentz et al. [2011] USA RCT 144 obese, (44) CT Resistance training versus aerobic training versus combined, 8 months Decreased in aerobic arm and aerobic + resistance training NP
Hallsworthet al. [2011] UK RCT 19 obese, (NA) MRS Resistance training versus SC, 8 weeks Decreased NP
Bacchi et al. [2013] Italy RCT 30 obese, (73.3) MRS Aerobic training versus resistance training, 4 months Decreased NP
Zelber-Sagiet al. [2014a] Israel RCT 64 obese, (53.1) US Resistance training versus home stretching, 3 months Decreased NP
Ueno et al. [1997] Japan Intervention without control arm 25 obese, (52) Liver biopsy Restricted diet and exercise versus control, 3 months Decreased Decreased steatosis
Shah et al. [2009] USA RCT 18 obese, (28) MRS Diet versus diet with exercises, 6 months Decreased in both arms NP
Oza et al. [2009] Japan Intervention without control arm 22 overweight (54.5) CT Weight loss (caloric restriction), 3 or 6 months Decreased NP
Lazo et al. [2010] USA RCT 96 obese, (51) MRS Weight loss (caloric restriction, increased physical activity) versus DSE, 12 months Decreased NP
Promrat et al. [2010] USA RCT 31 obese, (71) Liver biopsy Weight loss (caloric restriction, increased physical activity) versus control, 48 weeks Decreased Decreased steatosis and ballooning, no change in fibrosis score
Browninget al. [2011] USA Intervention without control arm 18 obese, (68) MRS Low calorie versus low carbohydrate, 2 weeks Decreased in both arms NP
Wong et al. [2013] Hong-Kong RCT 154 normal weight, (25) MRS Weight loss (caloric restriction, increased physical activity) versus SC, 12 months Decreased NP
Vilar-Gomez et al. [2015] Cuba Intervention without control arm 261 obese, (25) Liver biopsy Weight loss (caloric restriction, increased physical activity) versus SC, 52 weeks Decreased Decreased steatosis, ballooning and fibrosis

CHO/fiber, high carbohydrate/high fiber/low glycemic index; CT, computed tomography; DSE, diabetes support and education; HCD, high carbohydrate diet; LCD, low carbohydrate diet; LFD, low fat diet; LF/HCD, low fat/high carbohydrate diet; MD, Mediterranean diet; MRS, magnetic resonance spectroscopy; MUFA, monounsaturated fatty acids; NA, not available; NC, nutritional counseling,; NP, not pertinent; RCT, randomized trial; SC, standard counseling; US, ultrasonography.