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. 2016 Apr 7;4:e1855. doi: 10.7717/peerj.1855

Table 1. Geographic populations* and genetic classification of the analyzed Theobroma cacao trees.

For populations 1–5 (from farms in Soconusco, Mexico) genetic clustering was based on membership to the Criollo group (%) described by Vázquez-Ovando et al. (2014) using SSR markers. For the reference trees** (populations 6–9), the genetic grouping was suggested by Avendaño-Arrazate et al. (2010) and the database accessions (ICGD; Turnbull & Hadley, 2016).

Pop* Coordinates latitude (N)/longitude (W) Criollo (n = 20) Non-Criollo (n = 16) Admixtures (n = 9)
1 14°59′28″N, TASG12 (93%) HUJF01 (9%) TASG16 (86%)
92°26′44″W (Huehuetán) TASG18 (95%) HUJF03 (2%)
92°21′42″W (Tapachula)
2 14°56′41″N, TCHR04 (98%) CAAM12 (1%) CAAM04 (53%)
92°09′59″W (Tuxtla Chico)
92°10′44″W (Cacahotán)
3 14°47′31″N, FHSA06 (1%) FHSA02 (36%)
92°11′11″W (Frontera Hidalgo) SUED02 (2%)
14°38′27″N, SUED03 (1%)
92°13′47″W (Suchiate) SUED06 (1%)
4 14°48′56″N, MAMG12 (98%) MAMG03 (2%) MAMG10 (24%)
92°29′06″W (Mazatán) MAMG04 (1%)
MAMG07 (1%)
MAMG08 (9%)
5 15°28′07″N, MAJH02 (96%) MAJH03 (63%)
92°48′42″W (Mapastepec) VCHL01 (97%)
15°10′31″N, VCHL02 (96%)
92°38′06″W (Villa Comaltitlán) VCHL03 (97%)
15°11′17″N, VCHL04 (97%)
92°36′55″W (Villa Comaltitlán) VCLB02 (97%)
VCLB03 (98%)
VCLB04 (98%)
6** 20°32′29.25″N, Yaxcabá
88°50′35.82″W (Yucatán) Xocen
7** 16°06′42.92″N, Lacandón 06
90°56′31.28″W (Selva Lacandona) Lacandón 28
8** INIFAP (Several) Lagarto CATONGO RIM 24
Carmelo EET 399
9** Accessions (ICGD) CRIOLLO 22 SCA 6 (MIA 29885) ICS 1 (TARS 16656)
AMELONADO (TARS 16542) ICS 6 (TARS 16658)
MATINA 1/6 ICS 39 (TARS 16664)


International Cocoa Germplasm Database
Tropical Agriculture Research Station
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias