Table 1.
Quality aspects | % current study | % study of 2007 [1]a |
Elements included in the research aim | ||
Construct of interest | 94 | |
Population of interest | 88 | |
Type of measurement instrument of interest | 52 | |
Measurement properties of interest | 81 | |
All available instruments included | 52 | |
Only instruments included that have at least some evidence of measurement properties | 48 | |
Search strategy described | 93 | 84 |
No search terms or validated search filter used for | ||
Measurement properties | 64 | |
Type of instrument | 25 | |
Number of databases searched [median (range)] | 4 (1–15) | |
Search in at least 2 databases | 92 | 76 |
MEDLINE/PubMed | 92 | 93 |
EMBASE | 59 | 35 |
Additional databases | 87 | 57 |
Reference checking used | 65 | |
No time limits used or good arguments for a time limit | 72 | |
No language restrictions used | 26 | 79 |
Inclusion and exclusion criteria clearly described | 86 | 72 |
Reasons for excluding articles reported | 55 | |
Abstract selection by at least 2 reviewers? | ||
Yes | 41 | |
No | 21 | |
Unclear | 38 | |
Full-text article selection by at least 2 reviewers? | ||
Yes | 38 | |
No | 13 | |
Unclear | 48 | |
Abstract and full-text article selection by at least 2 reviewers? | ||
Yes | 29 | 22 |
No | 12 | 3 |
Unclear | 59 | 75 |
Methodological quality of studies assessed | 41 | 30 |
Quality assessment of studies done by at least 2 reviewers | ||
Yes | 60 | |
No | 12 | |
Unclear | 28 | |
Data on measurement properties extracted by at least 2 reviewers | ||
Yes | 25 | 25 |
No | 13 | 4 |
Unclear | 62 | 71 |
Quality of the instrument (measurement properties) assessed | 58 | 55 |
Quality assessment of the instrument by at least 2 reviewers | ||
Yes | 33 | |
No | 5 | |
Unclear | 62 | |
Results from multiple studies on the same instrument somehow combined (e.g., best evidence synthesis or pooling) | ||
Yes, clearly described | 20 | 7b |
Yes, but unclear how | 22 | |
No | 58 | |
Data synthesis was performed… | ||
Per measurement property | 79 | |
Only for domains (reliability, validity, responsiveness) | 9 | |
Only for the whole instrument | 12 | |
Recommendation provided for the best instrument | ||
One instrument is recommended per construct | 23 | |
More instruments are recommended per construct | 26 | |
No recommendation for the best instrument | 51 | |
Results for the measurement properties reported as raw data | ||
Yes | 56 | |
Partly | 13 | |
No | 31 | |
Number of measurement properties reported [median (range)] | 6 (1–9) | |
Conflict of interest or funding source declared | 81 | |
One of the authors of the review is also the developer of one of the instruments evaluated in the review | 9 |
aNot all items were evaluated in the study in 2007
bYes (clearly described or unclear how combined)