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. 2016 Feb 12;408:3093–3102. doi: 10.1007/s00216-016-9322-5

Table 1.

Ergot alkaloids and their isoforms identified using LC-MS-Q-TOF

Compound RT (min) Calculated precursor m/z Difference between calculated and experimental precursorb Δppm Fragment ions m/z
Ergine (LSA) and isoergine 5.06 268.144 0.9 208.081, 223.123, 237.104, 253.126
LSA isomera 5.53
LSA isomera 7.50
lysergic acid α-hydroxyethylamide (LSH) isomer 1 5.53 312.171 -0.3 208.080, 223.122, 237.098, 253.124, 268.144, 294.157
LSH isomer 2 7.50
Ergometrine 6.42 326.189 2.8 208.077, 223.122, 251.118, 265.130, 283.143
iso-Ergometrine 8.00
Ergometrine isomer 3 8.34
Ergometrine isomer 4 8.76
Lysergol or its isobars 6.49 255.149 -3.6 224.113, 240.123
Peniclavine 7.20 271.144 -7.2 222.091, 240.101, 253.132
Chanoclavine isomer 1 7.28 257.165 -3.6 208.111, 226.122
Chanoclavine isomer 2 7.84
Chanoclavine isomer 3 8.13

aGenerated in the ion source

bCalculated using a SmartFormula program in ESI Compas 1.3 – Data Analysis 4.0 SP1 software (Bruker, Bremen, Germany)