Table 1.
Pt | Age, y | Primary RCC
Ovarian or fallopian tube lesion
Time to metastases | Other metastases detected prior to or concurrently with ovarian metastasis | Follow-up | |||||||
Diagnosis | Size (cm) | FNG | Laterality | Local invasion | Margin | Location | Size (cm) | Laterality | |||||
1 | 73 | Clear cell RCC with sarcomatoid & rhabdoid features | 12.5 | 4 | Right | Invasion into the renal sinus, perinephric adipose tissue and renal vein | Negativea | Fallopian tube | 2.0 | Right | Synchronous | Retroperitoneal lymph nodes | DOD, 3.7 months |
2b | 60 | Clear cell RCC | 16.5 | 3 | Right | Invasion into the renal sinus and perinephric adipose tissue | Negative | Ovary | ~8.0 | Right | Synchronous | Bilateral adrenal glands | AWD, 40 months |
3 | NA | Chromophobe RCC | NA | Not applicablec | NA | NA | NA | Ovary | Right ovary 15.0; left ovary 5.5 | Bilateral | After resection of RCC | NA | NA |
4d | 48 | Clear cell RCC | 9.0 | 2 | Left | Invasion into renal vein | Negative | Ovary | 8.0 | Right | 14 months | None | AWD, 57 months |
5 | 37 | RCC, unclassified | NA | 4 | Left | NA | Negative | Ovary | NA | Bilateral | 8 months | Omentum, peritoneum & abdominal wall | AWD, 22 months |
6 | 45 | Clear cell RCC | 13.0 | 3 | Right | Invasion into perinephric adipose tissue and renal vein | Negative | Ovary | 7.0 | Left | 30 months | Liver | DOD, 48 months |
7e | 43 | Clear cell RCC | 9.0 | 3 | Right | Confined to renal parenchyma, no evidence of LVI | Negative | Ovary | 7.0 | Right | 20 months | Right psoas muscle | DOD, 109 months |
8 | 52 | Clear cell RCC | NA | NA | Left | NA | NA | Ovarian surface | 9.0 | Right | 10 months | Left adrenal | DOD, 11 years |
9 | 52 | Clear cell RCC | 7.2 | 3 | Right | NA | NA | Ovary | NA | Left | Prior to the diagnosis of RCC | None | DOD, 17 years |
Abbreviations: Pt indicates patient; y, year; FNG, Fuhrman nuclear grading; LVI, lymphovascular invasion; DOD, died of disease; AWD, alive with disease; NA, not available.
vascular margin is negative but tumor is present in lymphovascular space in the adjacent soft tissue.
Patient 2 also had a 2.8-cm mass in the renal hilum of the opposite site, which was considered to be a secondary primary tumor.
Fuhrman nuclear grade is not applicable to chromophobe RCC.
Patient 4 had a complex cystic adnexal mass with mural nodule, which was identified on both computed tomography (CT) scan and ultrasound.
Patient 7 had a cystic adnexal mass found on CT scan.