Figure 5.
For the pyrromethene 556 sample, (a) , (b) S1,s(i)Pp/Ns(i), without (solid line)/with (dotted line) polarization filtering (PF), and (c) CAR. For the pyrromethene 546 sample, (d)
, (e) S1,s(i)Pp/Ns(i), without (solid line)/with (dotted line) polarization filtering (PF), and (f) CAR (The solid lines are theoretical fits35,36,54,55). ↑ (increase), ↓ (decrease), || (unchanged), the CAR (square) with PF, CAR (circle) without PF, raw CAR (diamond) with PF, and raw CAR (triangle) without PF. Raw: without the subtraction of background photons and detector dark counts.