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. 2016 Apr 14;13:49. doi: 10.1186/s12966-016-0372-z

Table 3.

Demographic comparison of participants who completed the study and participants who withdrew prior to 20-week data collection

Completers (n = 92) Dropouts (n = 41) P-value
Characteristic N % N %
Study group 0.009*
 -Intervention 45 48.9 30 73.2
 -Control 47 51.1 11 26.8
Age, years, Mean (SD) 57.0 (12.0) 57.1 (12.1) 0.960
Female gender 72 78.3 31 75.6 0.736
Married/de facto 67 72.8 26 65.0 0.365
Completed post-school qualifications 64 69.6 31 79.5 0.245
Employed (full-time or part-time) 40 43.5 17 43.6 0.991
Weekly family income 0.178
 -Less than $499 12 13.2 11 27.5
 -$500–$1000 24 26.4 6 15.0
 -More than $1000 28 30.8 11 27.5
 -Prefer not to answer 27 29.7 12 30.0
Number of co-morbidities (ever or current) 0.073
 -0 24 26.1 5 12.2
 -1 or more 68 73.9 36 87.8
Types of co-morbiditiesa
 -Musculoskeletal disorders 33 36.3 15 38.5 0.834
 -Mental health problems 25 27.5 17 43.6 0.086
 -Arthritis 29 31.9 21 53.8 0.028*
 -High blood pressure 24 26.4 12 30.8 0.608
 -High cholesterol 33 36.3 11 28.2 0.396
Cancer survivor status 0.535
 -Cancer survivor 65 70.7 31 77.5
 -Carer 19 20.7 5 12.5
 -Both cancer survivor and carer 8 8.7 4 10.0
Relationship to cancer survivor:
 -Spouse/partner 17 63.0 6 66.7 0.397
Cancer typea
 -Breast 47 64.4 17 48.6 0.118
 -Prostate 8 11.0 6 17.1 0.375
 -Other: colorectal, melanoma, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, Leukaemia, ovarian, thyroid, lung. 17 23.2 7 20.0
Time since diagnosis, months, Mean (SD) 38.0 (43.5) or 3.2 years 50.1 (72.3) or 4.2 years 0.293
Ever received the following cancer treatmentsa
 -Surgery 69 94.5 31 91.2 0.677
 -Chemotherapy 49 71.0 24 82.8 0.431
 -Radiotherapy 42 64.6 20 69.0 0.759
 -Hormone treatment 35 70.0 15 62.5 0.632
Cancer in remission 54 77.1 26 81.3 0.356
BMI category (kg/m2) 0.468
 -Less than 25 31 34.4 16 43.2
 -25–30 36 40.0 14 37.8
 -30 and above 23 25.6 7 18.9

*denotes significant difference (P < 0.05)

aParticipants could select more than one response, so the percentage may add up to more than 100 %