Figure 6.
Associations between ASF occurrence and several categorical variables depicted by a multiple correspondence analysis, from data collected during individual interviews carried out in pig owning household in Nwoya District, Uganda. Coordinates of the categorical variables [namely, being a hunter, having indirect interactions with either warthog (WH) or bushpig, having a WH burrow less than 3 km from the HH, and season of ASF occurrence] are indicated by squares. Individuals with ASF occurrence is indicated by orange triangles, whereas those with ASF absence are indicated by green dots. Ellipses represent point concentrations. ASF.outbreak (ASF_Yes/ASF_No); = HH distance from a WH burrow (less than 3 km/more than 3 km); Being.Hunter = respondent being a hunter (hunter_Yes/hunter_No); Indirect.interaction (ii_Yes/ii_No); Season = season of the ASF outbreak (dry/wet/no; “no” refers to no ASF outbreaks reported by the respondent); Water.Distance = HH distance from the pig’s water source (more_500 m/less_500 m); and Water.Source (private/natural_or_both).