Figure 3.
Adaptation of the odor background response. (A) The average (N = 5–9 cells, 3–63 trials per cell) normalized ORN LFP and spike rate response at different odor backgrounds. (B) The ratio of plateau to transient peak spike rate plotted against the plateau to peak ratio for the ORN LFP shows that the adaptation is stronger at the level of ORN spikes. Error bars are not shown for clarity. (C‐D), The same as A‐B but for PNs (N = 5–9 cells, 4–39 trials per cell). (E) Average plateau/peak ratio at each neural stage and background odor intensity shows greater adaptation in the ORN spikes than ORN LFP at the high background concentration. Background adaptation is strongest at the level of PN spikes. Error bars are Standard error of the means (SEMs) across cells. Asterisks indicate significant differences between paired data in panels B, D at each background odor intensity (P < 0.05 in a paired t‐test).