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. 2016 Apr 20;129(8):992–999. doi: 10.4103/0366-6999.179803

Table 3.

Antibiotic resistance and eradication efficacies of hybrid therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication

First author, year Region Cases (n) Duration (d) Cure rate of ITT (%) Cure rate of PP (%) Susceptibility test (n) Antibiotic resistance rate (%) Cure rate of subgroups (% (n/n))

AMO CLA MET CLA and MET Neither CLA-R or MET-R Isolated MET-R Isolated CLA-R Dual CLA-R and MET-R
Hsu, 2011[6] Taiwan, China 117 7 + 7 97.4 99.1 57 1.8 7.0 56.1 7.0 100 (25/25) 100 (28/28) 0 (0/0) 100 (4/4)
Molina-Infante, 2013[10] Spain/Italy 171 7 + 7 90.0 92.0 34 0 23.5 33.0 8.8 100 (18/18) 87.5 (7/8) 100 (5/5) 33.3 (1/3)
Wu, 2014[12] Taiwan, China 77 3 + 7 81.8 95.0 29 0 9.8 30.4 4.3 100 (21/21) 100 (4/4) 50 (1/2) 100 (2/2)
Wu, 2014[12] Taiwan, China 73 5 + 7 86.3 95.1 34 0 9.8 30.4 4.3 100 (19/19) 100 (12/12) 100 (2/2) 0 (0/1)
Wu, 2014[12] Taiwan, China 70 7 + 7 85.7 93.4 29 0 9.8 30.4 4.3 100 (19/19) 100 (8/8) 100 (1/1) 100 (1/1)
Chen, 2015[8] Taiwan, China 88 7 + 7 92.0 96.4 65 0 15.3 37.9 8.9 94.3 (33/35) 95.5 (21/22) 100 (4/4) 100 (4/4)
Pooled-data analysis 596 248 98.5 (135/137) 97.6 (80/82) 92.9 (13/14) 80.0 (12/15)

AMO: Amoxicillin; CLA: Clarithromycin; ITT: Intention-to-treat; MET: Metronidazole; PP: Per-protocol; R: Resistance; d: Days.