Table 2. Autosomal QTLRs.
QTLRs | Avg of top windowd | Top SNPe | |||||||||
QTLR | BTA | Starta | Endb | Length | Distancec | SNPs | bp | P | Name | bp | P |
1 | 1 | 32,762,621 | 33,000,982 | 238,362 | 49 | 32,922,068 | 7.2x10-2 | rs43229554 | 32,892,280 | 2.7x10-15 | |
2 | 1 | 92,104,370 | 92,235,747 | 131,378 | 59,103,388 | 46 | 92,172,725 | 2.8x10-1 | rs42857937 | 92,194,011 | 9.8x10-10 |
3 | 1 | 136,141,849 | 136,617,538 | 475,690 | 43,906,102 | 101 | 136,234,581 | 8.3x10-2 | rs109727900 | 136,269,109 | 2.6x10-5 |
4 | 2 | 103,578,039 | 103,858,856 | 280,818 | 71 | 103,604,186 | 7.4x10-2 | rs110744763 | 103,622,473 | 7.4x10-6 | |
5 | 2 | 111,562,742 | 111,992,526 | 429,785 | 7,703,886 | 73 | 111,702,216 | 1.3x10-2 | rs41718804 | 111,920,205 | 1.7x10-3 |
6 | 2 | 112,003,692 | 112,306,444 | 302,753 | 11,166 | 46 | 112,177,753 | 4.7x10-2 | rs109625954 | 112,094,944 | 3.9x10-4 |
7 | 2 | 114,545,480 | 114,830,722 | 285,243 | 2,239,036 | 50 | 114,692,948 | 1.1x10-1 | rs42619825 | 114,679,293 | 1.4x10-7 |
8 | 8 | 41,810,125 | 42,014,357 | 204,233 | 47 | 41,951,028 | 2.5x10-1 | rs109097634 | 41,958,832 | 1.6x10-6 | |
9 | 9 | 103,591,751 | 103,738,680 | 146,930 | 64 | 103,644,910 | 6.1x10-3 | rs109603023 | 103,658,874 | 7.2x10-8 | |
10 | 10 | 55,539,090 | 55,719,332 | 180,243 | 57 | 55,606,200 | 1.7x10-2 | rs43633836 | 55,591,993 | 2.3x10-3 | |
11 | 12 | 7,221,507 | 7,469,740 | 248,234 | 53 | 7,357,534 | 1.3x10-2 | rs134347273 | 7,306,510 | 8.9x10-5 | |
12 | 15 | 2,491,081 | 2,679,720 | 188,640 | 45 | 2,593,214 | 4.5x10-3 | rs132966783 | 2,560,990 | 8.1x10-5 | |
13 | 15 | 35,995,220 | 36,429,977 | 434,758 | 33,315,500 | 72 | 36,183,585 | 2.1x10-2 | rs110068780 | 36,198,691 | 3.7x10-5 |
14 | 16 | 38,146,214 | 38,575,149 | 428,936 | 97 | 38,370,212 | 2.0x10-2 | rs136111126 | 38,382,048 | 2.0x10-5 | |
15 | 18 | 58,445,044 | 58,667,459 | 222,416 | 44 | 58,614,523 | 1.4x10-1 | rs43073607 | 58,634,645 | 2.1x10-5 | |
16 | 22 | 55,739,008 | 55,889,024 | 150,017 | 47 | 55,804,668 | 3.9x10-2 | rs135721055 | 55,798,814 | 5.2x10-5 | |
17 | 24 | 26,944,578 | 27,174,025 | 229,448 | 56 | 27,068,708 | 1.2x10-1 | rs134945287 | 27,080,758 | 2.8x10-5 | |
18 | 26 | 43,067,146 | 43,222,533 | 155,388 | 46 | 43,172,648 | 8.4x10-2 | rs132928018 | 43,178,710 | 1.6x10-5 | |
19 | 29 | 30,739,666 | 30,860,467 | 120,802 | 47 | 30,788,390 | 1.0x10-1 | rs134937987 | 30,812,830 | 5.0x10-8 |
aFirst marker of the first significant window.
bLast (23rd) marker of the last significant window.
cThe distance between the present and the previous QTLR on the same chromosome = the length between the end and the start of the up- and down- stream QTLRs.
dThe window with highest -LogP value.
eMost significant SNP in the QTLR.