Table 1.
Standardized developmental assessment battery of neuro-psychomotor functions in children.
Neuromuscular tone examination | Gross motor | Laterality | Manual praxis | Digital perception (gnosis) |
Passive muscular tone: Amplitude (degrees) and resistance R/L scores (Hypotonic angle/hypertonic) • Dangling of wrist • Dangling of foot • Extensibility of shoulder • Extensibility of wrist • Extensibility of popliteal angles • Extensibility of adductor angles • Extensibility of heel-ear angle • Extensibility of trunk (extension/flexion) • Extensibility of foot dorsi-flexion angle and rapid/slow stretch reflex (looking for abnormality: phasic/tonic stretching) • Passive mobilization of members (relaxation) • Knee jerk reflex (R/L) Active muscular tone/dysdiadochokinesis and synkinetic movements score (co-movements and mirror movements/axial, ipsilateral, other side): • Rapid pronation and supination of the hand (R/L) • Repeated opening and closing of both hands • Repeated opening and closing the mouth Sitting tone • Sit on the floor: pushes right left, backwards/forwards Standing tone • Feet together: 3 light pushes on the thorax Observation of the tibiallis anterior muscle contraction |
Dynamic balance Timing/quality's score of upper and lower limbs • Spontaneous walk • Walk on a line heel-toe and backwards (≥6 steps) • Walking on tiptoes (≥6 steps) • Walking on heels (≥6 steps) • Jump from a podium feet together • Score of coordination between limbs and for postural control Static balance ≥ 10 s Timing/quality's score of limbs • Feet together • On one foot • On tiptoes |
Spontaneous gestual laterality of upper limbs (R/L) • With arms extended on either side, cross one arm over the other • With clenched fists and elbows bent, place one fist over the other • Arms outstretched forwards with hands open, place one hand over the other • Pointing the index finger of each hand, with elbows bent, place one index finger over the other Usual laterality of upper and lower limbs/preference Hand (R/L, R = L) • Putting a string through a flower on a card to form the stem • With a (fake) box of matches, strike a match • Rub out a cross in the middle of a page Foot (R/L, R = L) • Kick a ball (four trials) • Homogeneity of usual dominant laterality between upper/lower limb: yes/no Director eye dominant (R/L, R = L) • Test for dominant eye: using 2 hands, place the large part of a cone over the two eyes (only the dominant eye is visible for the investigator at the small part of the cone) Psychosocial laterality (R/L) score of hand preference 4/6 milestones Representations of transitive/intransitive gestures on verbal command Observation of the dominant hand and the quality (primitive/ symbolic) of the gesture for the following: • Throwing a ball with one hand • Hammering a nail • Opening a door with a key • Brushing one's teeth with a toothbrush • Brushing one's hair • Eating soup with a soup spoon |
Bimanual coordination: 10 pronation-supination movements (Timing and quality scores) • Symmetrical movements (synchronization) • Asymmetrical movements (synchronization) Digital praxis (Timing and quality scores) • Index finger-thumb (R/L timing on 20 movements) • Successive touching thumb to fingertips (R/L timing on 20 movements) Gnosopraxis imitation of gestures (Vaivre-Douret, 2002) Score of gesture quality with mirror movement: immediately/imitation step by step • 10 Hand gestures • 16 Finger gestures Representational gestures: transitive/intransitive gestures on verbal command (see psychosocial laterality with the score of the quality of gestures) • Note each milestone (6), excecuted with primitive/Symbolic gestures Oro-facial praxis: Facial, tongue, and mouth praxis • Positioning mouth to whistle or blow • Puffing out the cheeks • Pulling out the tongue toward the chin • Pulling out the tongue to the right • Pulling out the tongue to the left • Pulling out the tongue toward the nose • Making a galloping noise (clicking the tongue) Dressing skills: (Information asked from the parents) • Puts his/her clothes on correctly • Confuses body segments • Puts clothes on inside out • Confuses left and right, or back and front • Difficulties in fine motor skill (buttoning-up) |
Localization of digital tactile stimuli • Right hand (10 fingers stimuli) • Left hand (10 fingers stimuli) |
Tonic laterality (see tone examination/resistance corresponding to dominance side) Upper limbs ((homogeneous dominance on 3 milestones = afirmed, 2 = not affirmed/ indeterminate • Dangling of wrist • Extensibility of wrist • Extensibility of shoulder Lower limbs (homogeneous dominance on 3 milestones = afirmed/ 2 = not affirmed/ indeterminate • Dangling of foot • Extensibility of foot • Standing tone Homogeneity of tonic dominant laterality between upper/lower limbs (normaly crossed) Dominance of functional laterality (Spontaneous gestual + Usual + Psychosocial) 3 milestones R or L = affirmed laterality, 2 = not affirmed, indeterminate if at least 2 tasks R = L |
Manual dexterity | Bodily spatial integration (R/L) | Rhythmic tasks | Auditory-attentional task | |
Putting the row of twelve counters one by one into a box (12 rows) • Right hand score of timing and quality • Left hand score of timing and quality • Dominant score (timing L - timing R divised by the fastest hand/R/L |
Score in relation to self (hesitation > 3 s/immediately) • Pointing (four items) • Verbal command with axial crossing gesture (four items) Score knowing left from right (hesitation > 3 s/immediately) • Pointing on the examiner (two items) • Pointing on a doll (two items) • Imitation of the examiner with axial crossing gestures (eight items; used from 5,9 years old) Score with regard to the objects (R/L) (hesitation > 3 s/immediately) • Two objects • Three objects Map direction (R/L) used from 5,9 years old Global score of bodily spatial integration |
Spontaneous rate of regular hand taps • On 21 taps /timing and gestual regularity Auditory-visual-kinesthetic adaptation task via imitation of examiner tapping patterns • Imitation of hands (two items) • Imitation of feet (two items) • Imitation of hands and feet (two items) Auditory-perceptual-motor rhythmic adaptation with metronome speed at 90, 60, and 120 • Claps (synchronization ≥ 6 s or ≥ 15 s) • Walk (synchronization ≥ 6 s or ≥ 15 s) |
Series of 16 taping with a chopsticks (timing and quality scores) • Taps in a go/no-go (if 1 tap/2 taps and inversely 2 taps/1 tap) |
(NP-MOT, Vaivre-Douret, 2006): components of the examination in bold, based on normative data for age (qualitative and quantitative measures).