A: Extracted ion chromatograms of 4-MMC (1) and WST-1 in PBS + NaCHO3 in the absence of amino acids. Two unknown peaks corresponding to acetylated 4-MMC (3) and N,4-dimethylbenzamide (DMBA) (2) as well as a peak for reduced WST-1 (4) were detected. B: MS full range acquisition (A, B, C) and bbCID MS/MS full range acquisition (D) of 4-MMC (A), reduced WST-1 (B), and acetylated 4-MMC (C, D). Structure of acetylated 4-MMC indicating fragmentation sites (E). C: Extracted ion chromatograms of DMBA and two of its bbCID fragments in the absence of amino acids (A), MS full range (B), and bbCID MS/MS full range acquisition (C) of N,4-dimethylbenzamide (DMBA). Structure of DMBA indicating fragmentation sites.