FIG. 5.
Alteration of F-actin cytoskeletal distribution and bile canaliculi structures by CsA treatment. (A–D) Untreated cells (A), cells treated with 10μM CsA (B), 50μM FK506 (C), or 50μM CsA (D), after 2 h treatment; F-actin was localized using phalloidin fluroprobe. Nuclei were stained in blue (Hoechst). F-actin shows a predominant pericanalicular distribution around open bile canaliculi in untreated cells and a much less intense staining around constricted bile canaliculi in 50μM CsA-treated cells (arrow). Time-lapse imaging of HepaRG cells treated with 10μM CsA (E’), 50μM FK506 (F’), and 50μM CsA (G’) after 120 min compared with corresponding cultures at 0 min (E, F, and G), respectively.