FIG. 1.
Metabolism of DBP in Drosophila and the effect of DBP and MBP on Drosophila male fertility. To determine the chemical load in exposed organisms, the level of DBP within control and exposed males was estimated through GC-MS/MS. Panel (A) includes the total ion current chromatograms from GC-MS depicting MBP and DBP peaks (as labeled) in control males (control), flies exposed to 100μM or 1mM DBP and also with reference standard (Standard). Subsequently, fertility (the number of progeny produced over a period of 10 days) of females mated to males exposed to different concentrations of (B) DBP or (C) MBP throughout their development was analyzed. Developmental exposure of males to 100μM of DBP reduced (***p < 0.001) the fertility of their mates while MBP hampered fertility (**p < 0.01 when compared with vehicular control, DMSO) even at a concentration 10 times lower than that of DBP. All experiments were repeated three times (N = 15–20 males/mates per replicate/group).