Fig. 2.
MS images of C. roseus stem longitudinal section. Most TIA localized in IC and LC; (A) m/z 415.1001 (loganic acid), (B) m/z 429.1157 (loganin), (C) m/z 427.1001 (secologanin), (D) m/z 351.1703 (cathenamine), (E) m/z 353.1859 (ajmalicine), (F) m/z 349.1546 (serpentine), (G) m/z 355.2016 (stemmadenine), (H) m/z 367.2016 (16-methoxytabersonine), (I) m/z 337.1910 (catharanthine), (J) m/z 427.2227 (demethoxyvindoline), (K) MS image control, and (L) longitudinal section excited by UV. Color bar represents MS signal intensity. VB, vascular bundle. (Scale bar, 1 mm.)