Fig 5. T.cruzi screening cascade.
Schematic of T.cruzi screening cascade. Primary assay is the high-content intracellular amastigote assay at a single concentration. Compounds that achieve a set level of inhibition of amastigotes and show no toxicity against the host cells are progressed to potency determination in the same assay (using 10 compound concentrations). A potency and selectivity cut-off are next applied (cut-offs vary based on library used, MW of compounds, etc.) and the most promising compounds are progressed to the static-cidal assay to predict cidality and to the CYP51 assay to identify any compounds that may act through this target. Compounds that are predicted to be cidal and CYP51 independent are further progressed into the rate-of-kill assay and eventually into a hits-to-lead programme.