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. 2016 Apr 15;12(4):e1005533. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005533

Fig 7. Scanning electron micrographs of M. genitalium G37 wild type and MG491 mutant strains.

Fig 7

(a) M. genitalium G37 cells showing the typical flask-shaped morphology conferred by the presence of a terminal organelle. (b) Δmg491 cells showing filamentous morphologies pointed by white arrows. (c) Δmg491-mg491cat cells showing normal terminal organelles and flask-shaped morphologies. (d) mg491-C87S cells showing also flask-shaped morphologies, but many of them exhibiting multiple terminal organelles (white arrow). (e) mg491-F157A-F158A cells also showing flask-shaped morphologies but exhibiting minute cells (<0.35 μm) pointed by a white arrow. (f) mg491-ΔloopL2 cells showing the flask-shaped morphology but exhibiting multiple terminal organelles (white arrow). (g) mg491-ΔNt cells showing a filamentous cell morphologies (white arrow). Bar is 1 μm.