Figure 6. Neutrophil Extracellular Traps and Plasma genomic DNA values 24 hours after endotoxin.
A. Plasma genomic DNA values at day 11 pb (24 hours after injecting 2 mg/kg LPS) in burn groups increase after the second septic insult (N=6 rats total, N=3–4 experiments for each burn group). Administering RvD2 suppresses the increase in plasma genomic DNA (Burn/LPS vs. Burn/LPS/RvD2; *p≤0.05). B. Fluorescence microscopic detection of NETs in renal cortex at day 11 pb in burn and LPS group. NETs are identified by fluorescence from histone/DNA staining (red) and neutrophil elastase (green). Nuclei of intact parenchymal cells are identified by cell-permeant DAPI staining (blue). NETs appear to be located outside of proximal tubular cells in the renal cortex. Scale bar, 10 μm. C. Immunohistochemistry section of hepatic tissues at day 11 pb in burn and LPS groups. High fluorescence intensity, corresponding to the presence of NETs can be observed outside of the hepatocyte in burn and LPS without treatment groups. Scale bar, 10 μm. D. Representative section of hepatic focal necrosis at day 11 pb in burn and LPS groups (immunohistochemistry). High fluorescence intensity of histone/DNA and elastase, corresponding to large amounts of NETs can be observed at area of necrosis. Scale bar, 10 μm.