Figure 5.
Processes of the CSD and DAAR neurons innervate distinct glomerular zones with relation to ORNs. A-C: MsTH-ir (yellow) overlap with ORN axons (magenta) at the distal region of the glomerulus while 5-HT-ir (cyan) is constrained to proximal glomerular regions. B, C: Inset from A showing 5HT and MsTH branching, respectively, with relation to ORN axons in the glomerulus. D-F: MGC innervation by the CSD and DAAR neurons relative to ORN axons. All scale bars = 50 um. G: 10×10 intensity plot for ORNs. H: 10×10 intensity plot for 5-HT-ir. I: 10×10 intensity plot for MsTH-ir. J-K: Linear regressions of the average intensities across the 10×10 intensity plots of ORNs, 5-HT-ir and MsTH-ir. J: 5-HT-ir and ORNs display a negative relationship (r2 = 0.6162, p<0.0001). K: ORNs and MsTH-ir display a negative relationship (r2 = 0.5133, p<0.0001).