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. 2016 Apr 12;9(2):130–138. doi: 10.1016/j.tranon.2016.02.002

Table 3.

Major Clinicopathological Features of 9 Patients with OS > 60 Months

No. Age (Years) P/R Histopathology CRS HIPEC PCI CC OS/PFS (Months) Comments
1 43 P Serous-mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated Resection of pelvic peritoneum, anterior wall peritoneum, hysterectomy and resection of bilateral ovarian/fallopian tube, mesenteric fulguration DDP 100 mg/m2, MMC 20 mg/m2 15 0 70.0/70.0, DFS Comorbidity: poliomyelitis sequel period, polycystic liver, and polycystic kidney
2 62 P Serous papillary adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated Right diaphragmatic copula peritoneum, left/right paracolic sulci peritoneum, pelvic peritoneum, liver round ligament resection, hysterectomy and resection of ovarian/fallopian tube DDP 100 mg/m2, MMC 20 mg/m2 19 1 74.5/16.5, SWT Pleurectomy and hyperthermic intrathoracic chemotherapy were conducted 2 years after CRS+HIPEC due to pleural metastasis
3 32 P Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, well differentiated Resection of bilateral ovarian/fallopian tube, pelvic peritoneum, and liver round ligament DDP 100 mg/m2, MMC 20 mg/m2 15 0 72.5/72.5, DFS
4 49 R Serous papillary adenocarcinoma, moderately-poorly differentiated Sigmoidectomy, rectectomy, resection of pelvic peritoneum DDP 100 mg/m2, MMC 20 mg/m2 11 1 75.5/72.5, DFS
5 57 R Borderline serous cystadenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated Resection of right paracolic sulci peritoneum, pelvic peritoneum, anterior wall peritoneum DDP 100 mg/m2, MMC 20 mg/m2 16 0 76.6/18.0, D
6 50 R Serous papillary adenocarcinoma, moderately-poorly differentiated 1st: ileectomy, resection of anterior wall peritoneum
2nd: resection of pelvic peritoneum, anterior wall peritoneum and bilateral fossa iliaca peritoneum, mesenteric fulguration
1st: DDP 100 mg/m2, MMC 20 mg/m2, 2nd: Lobaplatin 50 mg/m2, TAX 100 mg/m2 1st: 20 2nd: 22 1st: 1
2nd: 2
65.3/8.5, D Intraperitoneal extensive bowel adhesions were found at the second operation
7 67 R Endometrioid carcinoma, poorly differentiated Resection of right paracolic sulci peritoneum, right diaphragmatic copula peritoneum, pelvic peritoneum, anterior wall peritoneum DDP 100 mg/m2, MMC 20 mg/m2 16 1 204.0/54.0,D A total of 4 operations and 2 TACEs were implemented from first treatment to death
8 51 R Borderline mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated Resection of left/right diaphragmatic copula peritoneum, left/right paracolic sulci, pelvic peritoneum and bilateral fossa iliaca peritoneum DDP 100 mg/m2, MMC 20 mg/m2 22 1 79.5/16.0, D SAE: small intestinal leakage, abdominal infection (Proteus mirabilis infection)
9 60 R Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated 1st: greater/lesser omentectomy, appendicectomy
2nd: resection of ileocecum, left/right diaphragmatic copula peritoneum and ascending colon
1st: DDP 100 mg/m2, MMC 20 mg/m2, 2nd: Lobaplatin 50 mg/m2, TAX 100 mg/m2 1st: 5 2nd: 8 1st: 0
2nd: 0
122.7/58.0,DFS Comorbidity: hypertension; type 2 diabetes mellitus

P, primary; R, recurrent; DDP, cis-platinum; TAX, paclitaxel; TACE, transcatheter arterial chemoembolization; DFS, disease-free survival; SWT, survival with tumor; D, died.

PFS was calculated from the first CRS+HIPEC in this table.

Greater omentectomy and lesser omentectomy were performed on all the nine patients.