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. 2016 Apr 14;5(4):211–221. doi: 10.1002/psp4.12075

Table 1.

Final parameter estimates for preclinical PK‐PD model fitted to mouse 5‐FU plasma and tECF disposition and efficacy studies

Parameters Unit Estimate ± SE IIV (% CV)
Plasma PK study
Maximum plasma 5‐FU elimination rate (Vmax,plasma,m) μmol/hr/kg 2040 ± 239 12.2
Michaelis–Menten constant for plasma 5‐FU elimination (Km,plasma,m) μM 125 ± 22 NE
Volume of central compartment (V1,m) L/kg 0.962 ± 0.691 22.1
Intercompartmental clearance (Qm) L/hr/kg 1.67 ± 1.03 31.1
Volume of peripheral compartment (V2,m) L/kg 0.332 ± 0.50 NE
Residual variability for 5‐FU plasma concentrations (σplasma, prop) % CV 30.7
Tumor microdialysis study
Rate constant for 5‐FU movement from plasma to tECF (K13,m) 1/hr 0.0043 ± 0.001 7.8
Rate constant for 5‐FU movement from tECF to plasma (K31,m) 1/hr 3.24 ± 0.58 26.1
5‐FU fraction unbound in mouse plasma (fu,m) 0.37 FIX NE
Volume of tECF compartment (V3,m) L/hr 0.001 FIX NE
Rate parameter for intratumoral 5‐FU disposition (K34,m) 1/hr 1.82 ± 0.30 NE
Rate parameter for intratumoral 5‐FU disposition (K43,m) 1/hr 0.334 ± 0.077 NE
Maximum tumor 5‐FU elimination rate (Vmax,tumor,m) μmol/hr/kg 0.0063 ± 0.004 NE
Michaelis–Menten constant for tumor 5‐FU elimination (Km,tumor,m) μM 0.012 ± 0.023 NE
Residual variability for 5‐FU plasma concentrations (σplasma, prop) % CV 35.9
Residual variability for 5‐FU tumor concentrations (σtECF, prop) % CV 27.9
Efficacy study
Exponential tumor growth parameter ( θKexp,m, 1) for experiment one 1/hr 0.158 (0.079–0.337)a 40.6
Linear covariate effect on θKexp,m,1 for experiments two and three ( θKexp,m, 2/3) 1/hr 0.102 (0.031–0.287)a
Linear tumor growth parameter (Klin,m) 1/hr 214,000 (66,700–1,480,000)a NE
Constant related to switching tumor growth from exponential to linear (Ψm) 0.0936 (0.085–0.104)a NE
Maximum 5‐FU tumor inhibitory effect (Kmax,m) 1/hr 0.658 (0.316–1.134)a NE
5‐FU tECF concentration producing half the maximum tumor inhibitory effect (IC50,m) μM 2.12 (0.28–5.84)a 30.4
Hill coefficient (Hm) 1.22 (0.64–1.89)a NE
Rate constant transit tumor compartment (Kdel,m) 1/hr 0.946 (0.124–1.950)a NE
Residual variability for tumor growth (σefficacy, prop) % CV 37.0

5‐FU, 5‐fluorouracil; CV, coefficient of variation; FIX, value fixed during estimation; IIV, interindividual variability; NE, not estimated; PK‐PD, pharmacokinetic‐pharmacodynamic; tECF, tumor extracellular fluid concentration.


aValues represent 2.5th and 97.5th percentile of bootstrap‐derived parameter estimates.