Please tell us what helped you to enter or begin treatment.
(Follow-up questions: What personal strengths or resources helped you to decide to enter treatment? Did someone or something help or encourage you? Was there an important event?)
Please tell us what barriers you encountered that made it more difficult to enter or begin treatment.
(Follow-up questions: What personal barriers made it more difficult to enter or begin treatment? Was treatment accessible/available? Did someone or something make it more difficult to begin?)
Please tell us what is/was most and least helpful for you during treatment.
(Follow-up questions: What personal characteristics were most or least helpful for you during treatment? What aspects of treatment are most or least helpful? What aspects of life during treatment are most or least helpful?)
Please tell us whether there was a “turning point” either before or during treatment that helped you on your path to recovery.
(Follow-up questions: Was there a significant event or time that you remember that changed the way you thought, felt, or acted?)
Please tell us what is/was most and least helpful for you after treatment and during recovery.
(Follow-up questions: What personal characteristics are/were most and least helpful for you after treatment and during recovery? Are there people, programs, or activities that you value and attend? What aspects of life are most or least helpful?)