Figure 1. Expression of GFP in HSCs, PFs, SMCs, SLCs, CFs, and MCs in Col1a1GFP mouse livers.
Expression of GFP and different cell markers was examined by immunohistochemistry in the Col1a1GFP (A–F,H) or wild-type (G,I) mouse livers. (A) GFP expression is observed in DES+ HSCs (arrows), PFs (arrowheads) adjacent to bile duct (bd), and SMCs (arrowheads) in the hepatic artery (ha) and portal vein (pv). Asterisks indicate lymphatic vessels (lv). (B) GFP expression is observed in DES+ SLCs (arrowheads) in the central vein (cv). (C) MCs (double arrowheads) and CFs (double arrows) express GFP. Arrows indicate GFP+ HSCs. (D) Both GPM6A+ MCs (double arrowheads) and GPM6A− CFs (double arrows) express GFP. (E) No GPM6A expression in the portal triad. (F) PDPN+ MCs express GFP (double arrowheads). (G) Bile duct and lymphatic vessels (asterisks) are positive for PDPN. (H) THY1+ PFs express GFP (arrowheads). (I) Expression of THY1 in lymphatic vessels (asterisks). Some MCs express THY1 (double arrowheads). Bar: 10 µm.