Table 5. Gene conversion events detected by ORGCONV.
Converted Sequence | Donor | Start | End | P-value (L/N) | P-value (L-N) |
P_alchemilloides_ORF597 | P_alchemilloides_ORF521 | 130 | 713 | 1.13E-07 | 5.14E-06 |
P_quinquelobatum_ORF597 | P_quinquelobatum_ORF521 | 119 | 713 | 2.30E-10 | 1.09E-08 |
P_tongaense_ORF597 | P_tongaense_ORF521 | 124 | 713 | 5.52E-10 | 2.74E-08 |
Pxhortorum_ORF578 | Pxhortorum_ORF521 | 223 | 300 | 1.31E-03 | 5.20E-03 |
Pxhortorum_ORF597 | Pxhortorum_ORF521 | 669 | 713 | 1.03E-03 | 1.77E-02 |
The donor and acceptor of each putative gene conversion event are given along with the coordinates of the converted region and the p-value of the conversion event.