Gene expression by real-time PCR reported as log fold changes above/below control lung. (A) PLUNC gene expression of Adult CS and Neo CS +Adult CS compared to control lung, *P < .0001, **P < .005; Adult CS compared to Neo CS, †P < .01. (B) CXCR1 gene expression compared to control lung, *P < .02, **P < .0001, ***P < .0001. (C) LOR gene expression compared to control lung, *P < .001, **P < .002, ***P < .05. (D) CRCT1 gene expression compared to control lung, *P < .004, **P < .003, ***P < .03. (E) MYH2 gene expression compared to control lung, *P < .05, **P < .001, ***P < .02, and Neo CS +Adult CS compared to Neo CS only and Adult CS only, †P < .01. (F) GYPA gene expression compared to control lung, *P < .005, **P < .0001. n = 4–6 (error bars represent SEM).