Fatherhood increases hippocampal dendritic spine density. (A, top) Fatherhood increases dendritic spine density of granule cell neurons in the dentate gyrus (DG). (A, bottom) The photomicrograph on the left depicts a representative DG granule cell from a male California mouse. Dendritic segments on the right are representative of non‐fathers (top) and fathers (bottom). (B, top) Dendritic spine density on basal, but not apical, dendrites of CA1 pyramidal cells is increased with fatherhood. (B, bottom) The photomicrograph on the left depicts a representative CA1 pyramidal cell from a male California mouse. Dendritic segments represent non‐fathers (left), fathers (right), apical (top), and basal (bottom). Bars represent mean+SEM. Scale bars: cells = 40 μm, segments = 10 μm. *P ≤ 0.05.