Augmented survival after treatment with PTBA analogs in zebrafish larval acute kidney injury (AKI). A: survival after gentamicin-induced AKI. Gentamicin-injected larvae were treated with either 1% DMSO vehicle (V; △) or at one-quarter maximum tolerated dose (MTD) for compounds (▲): PTBA (1 μM; A), UPHD25 (2 μM; B), UPHD29 (2 μM; C), UPHD36 (8 μM; D), UPHD186 (4 μM; E), and UPHD263 (4 μM; F) at 2 days post-gentamicin injection (dpi). Key indicates PTBA and UPHD identification numbers. The survival rate was scored at 4, 5, 6, and 7 dpi. Values are pooled from 3 survival assays and expressed as means ± SE by 2-tailed t-test on 7 dpi. *P < 0.05. **P < 0.01. ***P < 0.005. #P < 0.0001.