Figure 1.
Stimulation grid placed over the left prefrontal cortex shown for one subject. A) 25 points (5 x 5, directions: left - right and anterior - posterior with 1 cm spacing) are aligned along the scalp (left panel). For each location 12 orientations (15 degree spacing, shown as blue and red arrows displayed at one location. Orientations are numbered counter clockwise from 1–12. This convention will be used in later figures) were investigated. The same grid is shown overlaid over the pial surface in the left panel. B) Exemplary electric field distribution (left panel) for one coil location and orientation (indicated by the red arrow in Fig. 1A) and associated seed region (right panel). The electric field is typically strongest along the direction of the coil showing a clear orientation dependency. Nodes within the seed region are weighted based on their electric field strength thus taking into account varying degrees of stimulation strength over an extended area. Nodes within the seed region are weighted based on their electric field strength thus taking into account varying degrees of stimulation strength over an extended area. Weights (w) are shown in relation to the maximum weight (wmax). Functional connectivity map for the shown seed region (lower panel). High correlations are visible in fronto-lateral regions falling inside the seed region but not exclusively limited to it.