FIG 1.
MGN1703 induces specific release of IFN-α and CXCL10. PBMCs from ART-suppressed HIV-1-infected donors were incubated for 48 h with MGN1703 at the indicated concentrations. Controls included noCG-MGN1703 as a TLR9-specific negative control or cRPMI as an untreated (UT) control. Cytokine and chemokine levels were measured in culture supernatants. (A and B) At 3 μM, MGN1703 induced a 200-fold median increase for IFN-α (A) and a 32-fold increase for CXCL10 (B). (C to E) IL-2 (C) and IL-6 (D) levels were unaffected, while TNF-α production changed by only 1.6-fold (E). Each donor in Fig. 1 to 4 is represented by the same distinct symbol. Lines represent the median.