FIG 11.
MAb CG10 retains stringent binding to coree gp120s. A binding ELISA was performed to test whether the CD4i MAbs bind the different coree gp120s. (A) MAb 17b binds all of the coree gp120s with or without sCD4, while MAbs 21c and 19e do not bind coree gp120s at all. MAb CG10 retained stringent binding to the coree gp120s. (B) A binding ELISA was performed to test whether monomeric, FPLC-purified YU2 coree protein bound the CD4i MAbs similarly to the mixed monomeric and oligomeric preparations shown in panel A. Binding to purified monomeric full-length BaL gp120 is given for comparison. Patterns of binding to the CD4i MAbs tested persisted. Statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) between the “−sCD4” and “+sCD4” columns are marked with an asterisk.