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. 2016 Apr 18;82(9):2738–2750. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00135-16


Oligonucleotides used in this study for cloning, sequencing, and segregation analysis of genes of interest

Name Sequence (5′→3′)b Description
LT 102Fa AGTCGGCAAATAACCCTCGG Forward sequencing primer for the pSyn_1/D-TOPO Life Technologies vector
LT 102Ra CGTTTTATTTGATGCCTGGC Reverse sequencing primer for the pSyn_1/D-TOPO Life Technologies vector
NS1-Fa CGTCGAAGATGGAAAAGCTC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the neutral site 1 locus
NS1-Ra ATTGACCCGGTAGGGATTTC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the neutral site 1 locus
TOPO-1901F2 caccATGCAGATTGGCATTATTGCTCCCAGCTC Forward primer for cloning 1901
TOPO-1902F caccATGCGGATTGCGATCGCAACAG Forward primer for cloning 1902
TOPO-1902R ttaCTACGCGAACGAAGAAGTTAAACGATTTACC Reverse primer for cloning 1902
TOPO-1904F caccATGTCTATTTCATCGCCTACACCCAGTCC Forward primer for cloning 1904
TOPO-1904R ttaCTAGCGAATTGTCTTGAGTGCATCACTACTACG Reverse primer for cloning 1904
TOPO-1905F2 caccATGGTTGCTATTCCTTCGAACC Forward primer for cloning 1905 and segregation analysis of the 1905 locus
TOPO-1905R2 ctaTTAGTTCAAAGCATCTTGTTGACG Reverse primer for cloning 1905 and segregation analysis of the 1905 locus
1901genomeF TTCAGCTGTGTAATTGTGGC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 1901 locus
1901genomeR CTCGCAAAGGTCTAAATTGC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 1901 locus
1902genomeF GAGATAGGCTACGTTGATGC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 1902 locus
1902genomeR TAATGACACCCGCAAAGTTC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 1902 locus
1903genomeFa TGATGCACTCAAGACAATTCG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 1903 locus
1903genomeRa ATGCAGTTCTGCACCTCCTC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 1903 locus
1904genomeF ACGAGAATTCCTTTGCACTG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 1904 locus
1904genomeR TCAGTTAACGACTGTTGCTG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 1904 locus
sp1901seq TTTAGATAACGCCAAGCGAG Sequencing primer for 1901
sp1901seqR GTGATACAGATGGCAGAGCC Sequencing primer for 1901
TOPO-2292F caccATGATGCCATCTCCAGCCGGCTC Forward primer for cloning 2292
TOPO-2292R tcattaTCAGGCGAGCGGAGAACTAGAGGTG Reverse primer for cloning 2292
TOPO-2293F caccATGACTGTGCGATCGCGCTTTC Forward primer for cloning 2293
TOPO-2293R ttaCTACTGTGCTGCTGGAGCTGACAG Reverse primer for cloning 2293
TOPO-2294F-2 caccATGGCCGATCCCATTCG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2294 locus
TOPO-2294R-2 ttaTCAGACCTTGACCGGACG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2294 locus
TOPO-2295F-2 caccATGCGGCGACTCATCGA Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2295 locus
TOPO-2295R-2 ttaCTACAACCTTGGATTGCTAGCC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2295 locus
2292genomeF TTTAACTGTGCGGCAGTCCC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2292 locus
2292genomeR ATCGGTTCTCGGTAGCGTTG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2292 locus
2293genomeF CTACCCACCTCTAGTTCTCC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2293 locus
2293genomeR CTCCGGAACCAATGAAGATG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2293 locus
2292seqF TTGGTCTCGGACTACTCTGG Sequencing primer for 2292
TOPO-1342F caccATGACCCGTAAGCGCGCC Forward primer for cloning 1342
TOPO-1342R ttaTCACTCGAAGTAGTCGAAGGCC Reverse primer for cloning 1342
TOPO-2027F caccGTGCCCAAGCTCTCTTTGATCATC Forward primer for cloning 2027
TOPO-2027R ttaCTAAGCCAATCCTATGAGTTTACGGCG Reverse primer for cloning 2027
1342genomeF CCTGAAGGTTTGAGGAAGAG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 1342 locus
1342genomeR AGATTGGAAGTTGCTATCCAG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 1342 locus
2027genomeF ACCTCTACTACATTGAGAACTGG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2027 locus
2027genomeR AGATAGGGCAACAAACTGAG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2027 locus
TOPO-2098F caccATGCAGATCCGCCACACCGC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2098 locus
TOPO-2098R ttaTCATATGAATACCTCCGCTTCCAAGAG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2098 locus
TOPO-2099F caccATGAAGGTTTTACTGACAGGGGCTG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2099 locus
TOPO-2099R ttaTCATTGGTTCTTTGCAACTTGCGTC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2099 locus
TOPO-2100F caccATGAAGATTTTGATTACGGGTGGTGCTG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2100 locus
TOPO-2100R ttaTCATACTGTGGTTTCCTGCTCCTGTG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2100 locus
TOPO-2101F caccATGACCGAGGCACGGCGC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2101 locus
TOPO-2101R ttaTTAGAGAGGATTGTGCAAGAGGTCCAG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2101 locus
TOPO-0058F caccATGCCAACTGAGTTACGAGCAACG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 0058 locus
TOPO-0058R ttaTCATAATCCCGAGAGAAACGGTAAAGC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 0058 locus
TOPO-0579F caccATGCGCATCGCTCTCTTTACCG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 0579 locus
TOPO-0579R ttaTCAGGCCGCTAAGGGTAAGC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 0579 locus
TOPO-0948F caccATGAAACCTCGATTCCGCTGG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 0948 locus
TOPO-0948R ttaTTAGCCCTTCACTGCTCCGG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 0948 locus
TOPO-0949F caccATGACTCATCCGCCTCGTTGGC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 0949 locus
TOPO-0949R ttaTCACAGTCCTCCCGACGGG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 0949 locus
TOPO-0950F caccATGCCGTTCTTGCGTTGTGG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 0950 locus
TOPO-0950R ttaTCATGAGGCTGTTGCTCCTTGC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 0950 locus
TOPO-0466F caccATGACAAGGCCAATCAGCAGGC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 0466 locus
TOPO-0466R ttaCTAGGAACGCTGCGGCACC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 0466 locus
TOPO-0973F caccTTGGCTGCTGGCGTCGC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 0973 locus
TOPO-0973R ttaTTAGCGACCGATCCCGATGTAGC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 0973 locus
TOPO-2151F caccATGCAATTAAAACAACTGCGAAAACTTGCTCC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2151 locus
TOPO-2151R ttaTCAGCGGCTATTTGCCAAGGGATG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2151 locus
TOPO-1398F caccATGCGTTTCCCCAACTTTCTACAGC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 1398 locus
TOPO-1398R ttaTTAACCATTGTTGTAGCGCGTTAAAAGCG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 1398 locus
TOPO-0220F caccATGACTCAAATTGTTTCCGTACATTCGTTTCG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 0220 locus
TOPO-0220R ttaCTAGTCACTGATCAAAGCATGCGCTAACT Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 0220 locus
TOPO-0133F caccGTGCAGGAACTGCAAATGGCG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 0133 locus
TOPO-0133R ttaCTATACGCAAGCGAGTACCTCACTCC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 0133 locus
TOPO-0471F caccGTGCGTCTCTCTGCTGGATTCCG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 0471 locus
TOPO-0471R ttaTTATCCCTTCACACCACTGGCAGC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 0471 locus
TOPO-1307F caccATGAGTAGTCTCCTCGCTTCGACTG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 1307 locus
TOPO-1307R ttaTTAGTCTTGCTGGCTGGCAAACTG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 1307 locus
TOPO-0320F caccGTGGCAGGGGCAACCATTCTG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 0320 locus
TOPO-0320R ttaTCACGAGGGGCGATCGCA Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 0320 locus
TOPO-1608F caccATGCTGGTTCCGGTCATCCTC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 1608 locus
TOPO-1608R ttaTCAGCTACGACCGTAGTGGTCTTC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 1608 locus
TOPO-2287F caccATGAACCTGTCTCCGATCCGCC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2287 locus
TOPO-2287R ttaCTAAGGAGAGAACGACGGTTTTTTCCCG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2287 locus
TOPO-2290F caccATGGTTCGAATTCTGGCAGTGATTCC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2290 locus
TOPO-2290R ctaTTAGCGTTGACTGGCCCATGCG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2290 locus
TOPO-0281F2 caccATGACAGCCCCGGCTGCGCCTAC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 0281 locus
TOPO-0281R2 tcattaTCAGGGAAGAGAACGGCGCGATCGCTG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 0281 locus
TOPO-2025F caccATGAGAGTTGCGATCGTTCACTATTGG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2025 locus
TOPO-2025R ttaCTAGAGCACCGACGTGAGGAAGC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2025 locus
TOPO-2028F caccGTGGGCAATCTGTTAGTCAATTTGGCAATGG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2028 locus
TOPO-2028R tcattaCTAAAGAAATTTTTCGAGCACTTGGCAAGTTTCTTTACC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2028 locus
TOPO-0134F caccTTGCGTATAGGGTCGATCCTGCG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 0134 locus
TOPO-0134R ttaTCAGGCGCTTTGGGCCCG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 0134 locus
TOPO-0357F caccATGACTGTCTGGCAAACTCTGACTTTTGC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 0357 locus
TOPO-0357R tcattaCTACATTTTTTCGTCTGAATGCTCGGCTTCTG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 0357 locus
TOPO-0463F caccATGACCGTCAAAGTACTGTTCGTCTGT Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 0463 locus
TOPO-0463R ttaTTAGCGGTGAGTTTTAATCAGTCCCTCTT Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 0463 locus
TOPO-2150F caccATGACCAATACTCTCGGAATTGCTGCG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2150 locus
TOPO-2150R ttaTTATAGTCCAGCAAACTCGAATGGCTTGG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2150 locus
TOPO-1761F caccGTGATCGGGAACAAGTGCAAATGTTG Forward primer2 for segregation analysis of the 1761 locus
TOPO-1761R ttaTCAGCCCCCCGCACGTG Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 1761 locus
TOPO-2148F caccATGACGCTAGCCGTTCGTATTGAGC Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2148 locus
TOPO-2148R ttaCTAACGTTGCATGGCGCGCTTTTTC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2148 locus
TOPO-2149F caccATGACTACCACGCTACCGAAGTCTG Forward primer for segregation analysis of the 2149 locus
TOPO-2149R ttaCTAGCTTAGCGATCGCTTGAGGGC Reverse primer for segregation analysis of the 2149 locus

Originally published in the work of Simkovsky et al. (21).


Lowercase letters in the sequence indicate additional sequence that does not match the target genome or plasmid, such as the TOPO cloning tag (5′-cacc-3′) and additional stop codons.