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. 2016 Apr 19;11(4):e0153629. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153629

Table 2. Effect of cold shock on pre- and post-copulatory traits.

Summary of results of a three-factor mixed model ANOVA considering selection regime (FSB and FCB) and period (recovery period 4, 12 and 30 hours after cold shock) as fixed factors crossed with block as random factor on the (A) mating success and (B) male fertility data. p-values in bold are statistically significant. Estimated denominator DF (Satterthwaite method) was very low. Hence F ratio and p values are unavailable for some of the effects.

Trait Effect SS MS Num DF Num DF Den F ratio p
(A) Selection (Sel) 0.051 0.051 1 4 17.154 0.014
Mating Period (Per) 0.152 0.076 2 8 18.937 0.001
success Block (Blk) 0.078 0.020 4 1.127 7.214 0.243
Sel×Per 0.017 0.008 2 8 1.986 0.199
Sel×Blk 0.012 0.003 4 8 0.696 0.616
Per×Blk 0.032 0.004 8 8 0.937 0.535
  Sel× Per×Blk 0.034 0.004 8 . . .
(B) Selection (Sel) 0.053 0.053 1 4 66.681 0.001
Male Period (Per) 0.052 0.026 2 8 8.104 0.012
fertility Block (Blk) 0.016 0.004 4 0.588 . .
Sel×Per 0.020 0.010 2 8 1.694 0.244
Sel×Blk 0.003 0.001 4 8 0.136 0.965
Per×Blk 0.026 0.003 8 8 0.551 0.792
  Sel×Per×Blk 0.047 0.006 8 . . .