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. 2016 Apr 19;11(4):e0153629. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153629

Table 3. Progeny production of ancestral females after exposed with cold shocked males.

Summary of results from a four-factor ANOVA using selection regime (FSB and FCB), period (recovery period 4 hours and 12 hours post cold shock) and day (progeny production on day1 and day 2) as fixed factors crossed with block (1–5) as random factor on the progeny production of females mated to FSB or FCB males (number of progeny from each vial was used as unit of analysis). p-values in bold are statistically significant.

Effect SS MS Num DF Num DF Den F ratio p
Selection (Sel) 1964.166 1964.166 1 4.125 8.251 0.044
Day 13025.704 13025.704 1 4.526 215.367 <0.001
Block (Blk) 295.721 73.930 4 4.727 0.196 0.930
Period (Per) 987.046 987.046 1 4.148 4.913 0.089
Sel×day 62.607 62.607 1 4.571 1.114 0.344
Sel×Blk 1005.593 251.398 4 5.591 3.051 0.115
Sel×Per 7.164 7.164 1 4.839 0.179 0.690
Day×Blk 243.893 60.973 4 6.211 0.568 0.696
Day×Per 0.181 0.181 1 4.501 0.003 0.960
Blk×Per 846.199 211.550 4 5.613 2.351 0.174
Sel×Day×Blk 225.466 56.367 4 4 4.375 0.091
Sel×Day×Per 35.311 35.311 1 6.777 2.258 0.178
Sel×Blk×Per 155.685 38.921 4 4 3.021 0.155
Day×Blk×Per 255.795 63.949 4 4 4.964 0.075
Sel×Day×Blk×Per 51.531 12.883 4 1155 0.240 0.916