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. 2016 Apr 19;11(4):e0153629. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153629

Table 5. Pre- and post-copulatory traits in males not subjected to cold shock.

Summary of the results from a two-factor mixed model ANOVA on (A) mating latency (B), copulation duration (C) mating success, (D) male fertility and (E) progeny production. Data considering selection regime (FSB and FCB) as the fixed factors crossed with block (1–5) as random factor. p-values in bold are statistically significant.

Trait Effect SS MS Num DF Num DF Den F ratio p
(A) Selection (Sel) 1.207 1.207 1 4.005 0.070 0.804
Mating Block (Blk) 870.409 217.602 4 4 12.617 0.015
latency Sel×Blk 68.988 17.247 4 322 1.102 0.356
(B) Selection (Sel) 0.605 0.605 1 4.005 0.066 0.811
Copulation Block (Blk) 154.364 38.591 4 4 4.182 0.097
duration Sel×Blk 36.911 9.228 4 322 1.249 0.290
(C) Selection (Sel) 3.3×10−4 3.3×10−4 1 4 2.268 0.207
Mating Block (Blk) 1.4×10−3 3.4×10−4 4 4 2.385 0.210
success Sel×Blk 5.7×10−4 1.4×10−4 4 . . .
(D) Selection (Sel) 4.6×10−3 4.6×10−3 1 4 7.064 0.057
Male Block (Blk) 3.1×10−3 7.7×10−4 4 4 1.189 0.435
fertility Sel×Blk 2.6×10−3 6.5×10−4 4 . . .
(E) Selection (Sel) 120.915 120.915 1 4.006 2.915 0.163
Progeny Block (Blk) 8160.108 2040.027 4 4 49.195 0.001
production Sel×Blk 165.873 41.468 4 325 0.692 0.598