Table 1. Landmark definitions.
Glabella | The midpoint of the most prominent ridge between eye brows. |
Nasion | Midpoint on the soft tissue contour of the base of the nasal root at the level of the frontonasal suture. |
Exocanthion* | Soft tissue point located at the outer commissure of each eye fissure. |
Endocanthion* | Soft tissue point located at the inner commissure of each eye fissure. |
Alar base* | The base of the nostril. |
Pronasale | The most protruded point of the apex nose identified in a lateral view of the rest position of the head. |
Subnasale | Midpoint on the nasolabial soft tissue contour between the columella crest and the upper lip. |
Cheilion* | Point located at each labial commissure. |
Crista Philtre* | Point at each crossing of the vermillion line and the elevated margin of the philtrum. |
Labrale Superius | Midpoint of the vermillion line of the upper lip. |
Inferior Labrale Superius | A landmark on the upper lip located midway between Labrale Superius and Stomion Superius. |
Labiale Inferius | Midpoint of the vermillion line of the lower lip. |
Pogonion | Most anterior mid-point of the chin. |
Midpoint between the crista philtre and Cheilion on the upper lip* | A landmark on the upper lip located midway between the Crista Philtre and Cheilion. |
Midpoint Labiale Inferius and Cheilion on the lower lip* | A landmark on the lower lip located midway between Labiale Inferius and Cheilion. |
Tragus* | A landmark on the midpoint of medial margin of the facial insertion of the tragus. |
* bilateral left and right landmarks