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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 May 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Health Econ. 2016 Feb 24;47:81–106. doi: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2016.01.010

Table C3.

Results from Baseline Specification to Investigate Intensive Margin

(1a) (1b) (1c) (1d) (1e) (1f)
w Log(w) w Log(w) w Log(w)
Weekly earnings /
baseline hours per
Weekly earnings /
baseline hours per
Weekly earnings /
baseline hours per
Weekly earnings /
baseline hours per
Weekly earnings /
baseline hours per
Weekly earnings /
baseline hours per

SAMPLE Workers with a paid job and wages>0 in the
given period
Workers with a paid job and wages>0 over
the entire period
Workers with a paid job and wages>0 and no
job switch over the entire period
MA* ESHI* After β1 −2.376*** −0.100*** −2.652*** −0.0612*** −3.729*** −0.0729***
[−2.811, −1.831] [−0.124, −0.0630] [−3.422, −2.283] [−0.0850, −0.0280] [−4.233, −3.031] [−0.109, −0.0366]
MA* ESHI* During β1d −2.044*** −0.182*** −2.496*** −0.206*** −2.554*** −0.206***
[−2.426, −1.388] [−0.202, −0.148] [−2.917, −1.736] [−0.233, −0.169] [−3.084, −1.824] [−0.243, −0.169]
MA* ESHI β8 1.501*** 0.108*** 1.474*** 0.100*** 1.631*** 0.106***
[1.051, 1.688] [0.0820, 0.121] [0.815, 1.778] [0.0710, 0.115] [0.906, 1.959] [0.0717, 0.141]
MA* After β11 2.902*** 0.126*** 3.153*** 0.0831*** 3.720*** 0.0788***
[2.526, 3.179] [0.0950, 0.144] [2.887, 3.705] [0.0510, 0.102] [3.221, 4.070] [0.0402, 0.117]
MA* During β11d 2.229*** 0.190*** 2.706*** 0.212*** 2.627*** 0.215***
[1.741, 2.457] [0.161, 0.203] [2.093, 3.008] [0.175, 0.233] [2.061, 3.001] [0.183, 0.246]
ESHI* After β12 −0.441* −0.0704*** −0.319 −0.0562*** −0.273 −0.0588***
[−1.001, 0.005] [−0.104, −0.0430] [−0.828, 0.353] [−0.0830, −0.0290] [−0.855, 0.235] [−0.0913, −0.0264]
ESHI* During β12d −0.551*** −0.0421*** −0.483** −0.0361** −0.533** −0.0342**
[−0.999, −0.236] [−0.0630, −0.0220] [−1.033, −0.0370] [−0.0560, −0.00300] [−1.070, −0.0250] [−0.0622, −0.00624]
ESHI β19 1.827*** 0.157*** 1.786*** 0.148*** 1.753*** 0.136***
[1.527, 2.124] [0.141, 0.166] [1.491, 2.171] [0.129, 0.163] [1.381, 2.163] [0.119, 0.152]
After β22 1.452*** 0.129*** 1.251*** 0.103*** 0.955*** 0.0933***
[1.072, 1.743] [0.0990, 0.155] [0.739, 1.460] [0.0720, 0.124] [0.565, 1.245] [0.0606, 0.126]
During β22d 1.058*** 0.0801*** 0.982*** 0.0705*** 0.865*** 0.0583***
[0.759, 1.430] [0.0590, 0.100] [0.618, 1.450] [0.0360, 0.0900] [0.447, 1.353] [0.0293, 0.0873]

Observations 370,996 370,996 307,438 307,438 281,624 281,624
R-squared 0.792 0.749 0.790 0.762 0.794 0.771
(2a) (2b) (2c) (2d) (2e) (2f)
L Log(L) L Log(L) L Log(L)
Hours per week Hours per week Hours per week Hours per week Hours per week Hours per week

SAMPLE Workers with a paid job and wages>0 in the
given period
Workers with a paid job and wages>0 over
the entire period
Workers with a paid job and wages>0 and no
job switch over the entire period
MA* ESHI* After ϒ1 −0.255 −0.00409 0.734*** 0.0346*** −0.0480 0.0102
[−0.594, 0.180] [−0.0190, 0.0130] [0.417, 1.286] [0.0240, 0.0590] [−0.489, 0.601] [−0.0135, 0.0338]
MA* ESHI* During ϒ1d −1.694*** −0.0304*** −2.217*** −0.0405*** −2.397*** −0.0461***
[−1.955, −1.366] [−0.0420, −0.0180] [−2.431, −1.635] [−0.0480, −0.0170] [−2.864, −2.017] [−0.0664, −0.0258]
MA* ESHI ϒ8 1.659*** 0.0433*** 1.981*** 0.0618*** 2.191*** 0.0690***
[1.070, 1.960] [0.0240, 0.0530] [1.384, 2.348] [0.0410, 0.0740] [1.517, 2.557] [0.0418, 0.0961]
MA* After ϒ11 0.657*** 0.0181** −0.643*** −0.0252*** −0.0980 −0.00888
[0.156, 0.971] [0.00100, 0.0300] [−1.301, −0.378] [−0.0490, −0.0160] [−0.868, 0.329] [−0.0336, 0.0159]
MA* During ϒ11d 2.137*** 0.0439*** 2.445*** 0.0521*** 2.798*** 0.0636***
[1.670, 2.371] [0.0280, 0.0520] [1.825, 2.556] [0.0260, 0.0550] [2.388, 3.153] [0.0475, 0.0796]
ESHI* After ϒ12 −0.827*** −0.0328*** −0.687*** −0.0267*** −0.567** −0.0248**
[−1.190, −0.493] [−0.0460, −0.0180] [−1.045, −0.229] [−0.0370, −0.00900] [−1.137, −0.193] [−0.0435, −0.00615]
ESHI* During ϒ12d −0.614*** −0.0235*** −0.594*** −0.0232*** −0.520*** −0.0201***
[−0.805, −0.454] [−0.0310, −0.0160] [−0.810, −0.354] [−0.0310, −0.0130] [−0.783, −0.237] [−0.0319, −0.00834]
ESHI ϒ19 1.833*** 0.0684*** 1.763*** 0.0642*** 1.651*** 0.0606***
[1.593, 1.983] [0.0600, 0.0740] [1.431, 1.984] [0.0530, 0.0720] [1.343, 1.884] [0.0498, 0.0714]
After ϒ22 0.857*** 0.0393*** 0.580** 0.0266*** 0.361* 0.0225**
[0.516, 1.223] [0.0260, 0.0520] [0.0850, 0.950] [0.00800, 0.0360] [−0.0550, 0.977] [0.00423, 0.0408]
During ϒ22d 0.728*** 0.0311*** 0.660*** 0.0286*** 0.518*** 0.0234***
[0.540, 0.952] [0.0220, 0.0400] [0.376, 0.886] [0.0170, 0.0370] [0.223, 0.832] [0.0107, 0.0361]

Observations 344,315 344,315 287,144 287,144 263,033 263,033
R-squared 0.720 0.697 0.707 0.678 0.718 0.691





p<0.1, 95% confidence intervals reported; CIs block bootstrapped by state.

Including full 18–64 population; only includes interview months.

Individual and state fixed effects included. Monthly weights used.