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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 May 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Health Econ. 2016 Feb 24;47:81–106. doi: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2016.01.010

Table C4.

Results from Full Specification to Investigate Intensive Margin

(1a) (1b) (1c) (1d) (1e) (1f)
w Log(w) w Log(w) w Log(w)
Weekly earnings /
baseline hours per
Weekly earnings /
baseline hours per
Weekly earnings /
baseline hours per
Weekly earnings /
baseline hours per
Weekly earnings /
baseline hours per
Weekly earnings /
baseline hours per

SAMPLE Workers with a paid job and wages>0 in the
given period
Workers with a paid job and wages>0 over
the entire period
Workers with a paid job and wages>0 and
no job switch over the entire period
MA* ESHI* After* Large β1 1.682*** 0.358*** 2.920*** 0.615*** 2.611*** 0.656***
[0.999, 2.756] [0.320, 0.419] [1.825, 3.971] [0.570, 0.679] [1.192, 3.823] [0.581, 0.732]
MA* ESHI* During* Large β1d −0.532 0.0213 −0.0587 0.0869** 0.615 0.119***
[−1.420, 0.619] [−0.0160, 0.0720] [−1.375, 1.120] [0.0320, 0.133] [−0.871, 1.745] [0.0595, 0.178]
MA* ESHI* Large β8 3.124*** 0.118*** 3.564*** 0.113*** 3.264*** 0.104***
[2.681, 3.610] [0.0910, 0.141] [3.043, 4.244] [0.0890, 0.157] [2.564, 3.876] [0.0653, 0.143]
MA* After* Large β11 −2.635*** −0.356*** −4.742*** −0.650*** −4.363*** −0.691***
[−3.584, −1.615] [−0.415, −0.309] [−5.720, −3.166] [−0.710, −0.597] [−5.596, −2.736] [−0.770, −0.612]
MA* During* Large β11d 0.518 −0.000265 −0.242 −0.112*** −0.679 −0.140***
[−0.307, 1.654] [−0.0530, 0.0380] [−1.228, 1.392] [−0.159, −0.0590] [−1.592, 1.071] [−0.195, −0.0849]
ESHI* After* Large β12 −0.599 −0.0695*** −0.293 −0.0681* 0.186 −0.0625*
[−1.487, 0.274] [−0.119, −0.0150] [−1.054, 0.912] [−0.107, 0.00300] [−0.891, 1.370] [−0.136, 0.0113]
ESHI* During* Large β12d −0.00128 −0.0539** 0.420 −0.0400 0.478 −0.0367
[−0.936, 0.958] [−0.0950, −0.00800] [−0.643, 1.671] [−0.0810, 0.0180] [−0.698, 1.792] [−0.0920, 0.0185]
ESHI* Large β19 0.677** 0.0736*** 0.617** 0.0689*** 0.616* 0.0651***
[0.190, 1.054] [0.0510, 0.0950] [0.033, 1.241] [0.0390, 0.0990] [−0.0500, 1.184] [0.0349, 0.0952]
After* Large β22 0.785 0.0507* 0.814 0.0570 0.579 0.0579
[−0.302, 1.678] [−0.00700, 0.102] [−0.757, 1.764] [−0.00900, 0.0960] [−0.789, 1.789] [−0.0203, 0.136]
During* Large β22d 0.203 0.0344 −0.123 0.0222 0.000 0.0271
[−0.968, 0.967] [−0.0130, 0.0750] [−1.639, 0.822] [−0.0350, 0.0580] [−1.586, 1.004] [−0.0275, 0.0817]
Large β23 1.140 0.00659 0.738 −0.0705 2.128 −0.0133
[−2.200, 1.807] [−0.110, 0.0630] [−2.727, 1.618] [−0.135, 0.0350] [−2.930, 2.768] [−0.116, 0.0896]
MA* Large β24 −1.243 −0.0222 −1.865 −0.0336 −3.712 −0.0804
[−1.975, 2.199] [−0.0880, 0.108] [−2.739, 1.715] [−0.155, 0.0320] [−4.437, 1.479] [−0.190, 0.0288]
MA* ESHI* After β1e −3.124*** −0.321*** −4.002*** −0.454*** −4.805*** −0.486***
[−4.075, −2.436] [−0.365, −0.288] [−5.176, −3.271] [−0.506, −0.420] [−5.881, −3.592] [−0.545, −0.426]
MA* ESHI* During β1ed −1.672*** −0.196*** −2.285*** −0.245*** −2.755*** −0.261***
[−2.408, −0.763] [−0.231, −0.151] [−3.218, −1.152] [−0.284, −0.193] [−3.774, −1.680] [−0.315, −0.207]
MA* ESHI β8e −0.873*** 0.0167 −1.234*** 0.00925 −0.749** 0.0260
[−1.444, −0.531] [−0.0150, 0.0400] [−2.051, −0.739] [−0.0430, 0.0330] [−1.571, −0.197] [−0.0245, 0.0765]
MA* After β11e 4.489*** 0.347*** 6.086*** 0.506*** 6.300*** 0.520***
[3.625, 5.099] [0.298, 0.381] [5.306, 7.042] [0.463, 0.545] [5.240, 7.104] [0.464, 0.576]
MA* During β11ed 1.879*** 0.186*** 2.774*** 0.274*** 2.916*** 0.289***
[0.693, 2.471] [0.139, 0.222] [1.276, 3.552] [0.223, 0.310] [1.450, 3.716] [0.238, 0.340]
ESHI* After β12e −0.116 −0.0240 −0.276 −0.0123 −0.597 −0.0214
[−0.934, 0.688] [−0.0670, 0.0120] [−1.291, 0.579] [−0.0650, 0.0190] [−1.660, 0.393] [−0.0710, 0.0281]
ESHI* During β12ed −0.587 −0.00417 −0.794 −0.00678 −0.929* −0.00966
[−1.424, 0.219] [−0.0440, 0.0300] [−1.797, 0.261] [−0.0480, 0.0400] [−1.956, 0.133] [−0.0578, 0.0384]
ESHI β19e 1.317*** 0.101*** 1.327*** 0.0960*** 1.304*** 0.0870***
[0.907, 1.717] [0.0810, 0.119] [0.677, 1.861] [0.0680, 0.123] [0.655, 1.817] [0.0600, 0.114]
After β22e 0.969*** 0.0985*** 0.760** 0.0690*** 0.630 0.0603***
[0.390, 1.650] [0.0660, 0.141] [0.0610, 1.605] [0.0410, 0.113] [−0.201, 1.528] [0.0158, 0.105]
During β22ed 0.928*** 0.0589*** 1.043*** 0.0568*** 0.859** 0.0425*
[0.321, 1.983] [0.0280, 0.100] [0.293, 2.320] [0.0190, 0.100] [0.0400, 2.202] [−0.00371, 0.0886]

Observations 370,996 370,996 307,438 307,438 281,624 281,624
R-squared 0.792 0.750 0.790 0.763 0.794 0.772
(2a) (2b) (2c) (2d) (2e) (2f)
L Log(L) L Log(L) L Log(L)
Hours per week Hours per week Hours per week Hours per week Hours per week Hours per week

SAMPLE Workers with a paid job and wages>0 in the
given period
Workers with a paid job and wages>0 over
the entire period
Workers with a paid job and wages>0 and
no job switch over the entire period
MA* ESHI* After* Large ϒ1 5.761*** 0.215*** 11.883*** 0.480*** 12.771*** 0.498***
[5.358, 6.567] [0.204, 0.245] [11.085, 13.147] [0.454, 0.527] [11.780, 13.719] [0.462, 0.534]
MA* ESHI* During* Large ϒ1d 2.377*** 0.0787*** 5.711*** 0.199*** 5.638*** 0.206***
[1.755, 2.903] [0.0540, 0.100] [4.670, 6.083] [0.154, 0.220] [4.536, 6.233] [0.162, 0.251]
MA* ESHI* Large ϒ8 1.244*** 0.0544*** −0.134 0.0218 0.106 0.0248*
[0.665, 1.585] [0.0350, 0.0650] [−0.786, 0.372] [−0.00400, 0.0370] [−0.624, 0.720] [−0.00241, 0.0519]
MA* After* Large ϒ11 −6.243*** −0.260*** −12.60*** −0.544*** −12.21*** −0.541***
[−7.000, −5.584] [−0.288, −0.240] [−13.544, −11.280] [−0.580, −0.508] [−13.201, −11.216] [−0.578, −0.504]
MA* During* Large ϒ11d −2.557*** −0.0885*** −6.162*** −0.231*** −5.647*** −0.220***
[−3.209, −1.923] [−0.114, −0.0660] [−6.680, −5.331] [−0.253, −0.199] [−6.384, −4.731] [−0.253, −0.187]
ESHI* After* Large ϒ12 −0.828*** −0.0275*** −0.766 −0.0279 −0.692* −0.0307*
[−1.436, −0.256] [−0.0510, −0.00900] [−1.584, 0.199] [−0.0560, 0.00300] [−1.540, 0.0170] [−0.0632, 0.00182]
ESHI* During* Large ϒ12d −0.833*** −0.0288** −0.779** −0.0266* −0.629* −0.0246*
[−1.228, −0.294] [−0.0460, −0.00800] [−1.229, −0.152] [−0.0470, 0.00200] [−1.254, 0.0940] [−0.0514, 0.00226]
ESHI* Large ϒ19 0.794*** 0.0240*** 0.651*** 0.0178*** 0.452** 0.0117
[0.530, 1.121] [0.0120, 0.0350] [0.400, 1.096] [0.00600, 0.0350] [0.0400, 0.897] [−0.00757, 0.0310]
After* Large ϒ22 0.509 0.0110 0.586 0.0177 0.502 0.0185
[−0.159, 1.110] [−0.0100, 0.0320] [−0.558, 1.366] [−0.0210, 0.0440] [−0.286, 1.255] [−0.0147, 0.0518]
During* Large ϒ22d 0.544* 0.0120 0.601* 0.0151 0.550 0.0144
[−0.0420, 0.977] [−0.0140, 0.0330] [−0.0310, 1.046] [−0.0120, 0.0350] [−0.285, 1.120] [−0.0134, 0.0423]
Large ϒ23 −2.100 −0.0621 −1.527 −0.0328 −0.501 −0.0143
[−2.597, 4.995] [−0.0760, 0.258] [−2.015, 7.011] [−0.0520, 0.392] [−0.999, 6.232] [−0.0492, 0.0206]
MA* Large ϒ24 2.053 0.0565 2.330 0.0429 1.400 0.0336
[−5.041, 2.853] [−0.263, 0.0840] [−6.070, 3.228] [−0.375, 0.0800] [−5.303, 2.368] [−0.0123, 0.0794]
MA* ESHI* After ϒ1e −3.789*** −0.131*** −6.904*** −0.268*** −8.296*** −0.303***
[−4.529, −3.252] [−0.160, −0.112] [−8.162, −6.135] [−0.311, −0.246] [−9.240, −7.228] [−0.342, −0.264]
MA* ESHI* During ϒ1ed −3.202*** −0.0792*** −5.816*** −0.161*** −5.896*** −0.170***
[−3.724, −2.629] [−0.0970, −0.0590] [−6.137, −4.876] [−0.170, −0.125] [−6.503, −5.110] [−0.198, −0.142]
MA* ESHI ϒ8e 0.613** −0.00170 1.913*** 0.0380*** 2.032*** 0.0460**
[0.0220, 1.127] [−0.0210, 0.0160] [1.133, 2.608] [0.0130, 0.0650] [1.087, 2.836] [0.00541, 0.0867]
MA* After ϒ11e 4.601*** 0.182*** 7.600*** 0.331*** 7.656*** 0.340***
[3.841, 5.159] [0.159, 0.205] [6.397, 8.355] [0.295, 0.360] [6.571, 8.542] [0.302, 0.378]
MA* During ϒ11ed 3.796*** 0.101*** 6.437*** 0.201*** 6.321*** 0.200***
[3.102, 4.357] [0.0780, 0.121] [5.483, 6.824] [0.166, 0.212] [5.506, 6.995] [0.172, 0.228]
ESHI* After ϒ12e −0.241 −0.0122 −0.177 −0.00713 −0.114 −0.00333
[−0.834, 0.356] [−0.0300, 0.0100] [−0.904, 0.647] [−0.0290, 0.0220] [−0.856, 0.604] [−0.0319, 0.0252]
ESHI* During ϒ12ed −0.0257 −0.00173 −0.0786 −0.00428 −0.132 −0.00297
[−0.425, 0.286] [−0.0150, 0.0110] [−0.517, 0.326] [−0.0220, 0.0110] [−0.589, 0.326] [−0.0192, 0.0133]
ESHI ϒ19e 1.218*** 0.0491*** 1.265*** 0.0500*** 1.296*** 0.0507***
[0.876, 1.427] [0.0370, 0.0590] [0.814, 1.499] [0.0310, 0.0590] [0.758, 1.656] [0.0298, 0.0717]
After ϒ22e 0.542** 0.0326*** 0.225 0.0158 0.0720 0.0115
[0.0140, 1.244] [0.0130, 0.0530] [−0.504, 0.949] [−0.0100, 0.0380] [−0.551, 1.023] [−0.0145, 0.0375]
During ϒ22ed 0.385** 0.0236*** 0.298 0.0196** 0.201 0.0151
[0.00900, 0.844] [0.0100, 0.0390] [−0.107, 0.676] [0.00400, 0.0330] [−0.263, 0.691] [−0.00387, 0.0341]

Observations 344,315 344,315 287,144 287,144 263,033 263,033
R-squared 0.720 0.698 0.708 0.679 0.718 0.691
(3a) (3b) (3c) (3d) (3e) (3f)
w,L Log(w),Log(L) w,L Log(w),Log(L) w,L Log(w),Log(L)
Compensating and Hours Differentials, Sufficient Statistics, and Welfare Impact of Health Reform

Workers with a paid job and wages>0 in the
given period
Workers with a paid job and wages>0 over
the entire period
Workers with a paid job and wages>0 and
no job switch over the entire period
wD−wA 2.251*** 0.135*** 2.33*** 0.123*** 2.515*** 0.130***
[1.797, 2.465] [0.11, 0.146] [1.775, 2.628] [0.098, 0.138] [1.789, 2.842] [0.108, 0.156]
wF−wB 0.809*** 0.172*** 1.248*** 0.284*** 0.321 0.300***
[0.418, 1.09] [0.125, 0.217] [0.266, 1.371] [0.244, 0.312] [−0.467, 0.725] [0.253, 0.338]
wD−wB 4.886*** 0.49*** 7.072*** 0.773*** 6.878*** 0.821***
[3.655, 5.84] [0.432, 0.557] [4.968, 8.184] [0.714, 0.839] [4.802, 8.225] [0.747, 0.903]
wF−wA −1.826*** −0.184*** −3.494*** −0.366*** −4.042*** −0.391***
[−2.779, −0.903] [−0.234, −0.138] [−4.675, −2.768] [−0.425, −0.319] [−5.132, −3.158] [−0.488, −0.381]
LD−LA 1.857*** 0.053*** 1.779*** 0.06*** 2.138*** 0.071***
[1.264, 2.205] [0.033, 0.063] [1.215, 2.149] [0.04, 0.073] [1.551, 2.509] [0.056, 0.093]
LF−LB 3.829*** 0.137*** 6.758*** 0.271*** 6.613*** 0.266***
[3.27, 4.293] [0.117, 0.154] [6.138, 7.214] [0.247, 0.294] [5.963, 7.122] [0.247, 0.294]
LD−LB 8.1*** 0.313*** 14.379*** 0.604*** 14.348*** 0.612***
[7.198, 8.819] [0.285, 0.341] [12.895, 15.24] [0.561, 0.64] [13.063, 15.45] [0.572, 0.665]
LF−LA −2.414*** −0.123*** −5.842*** −0.273*** −5.598*** −0.275***
[−3.197, −1.649] [−0.153, −0.098] [−6.664, −4.743] [−0.308, −0.241] [−6.601, −4.718] [−0.303, −0.240]
s 0.170 0.100 0.170 0.100 0.170 0.100
- - - - - -
d −0.350 −0.200 −0.350 −0.200 −0.350 −0.200
- - - - - -
b 2.671*** 0.209*** 5.538*** 0.421*** 6.001*** 0.446***
[1.523, 3.838] [0.161, 0.262] [4.629, 6.933] [0.369, 0.484] [4.992, 7.319] [0.404, 0.519]
ρ 0.053*** 0.68*** 0.026*** 0.337*** 0.024*** 0.318***
[0.037, 0.094] [0.542, 0.88] [0.02, 0.031] [0.293, 0.384] [0.019, 0.028] [0.287, 0.364]
α+λ−μx 0.53*** 0.823*** 0.451*** 0.806*** 0.515*** 0.815***
[0.304, 0.641] [0.778, 0.846] [0.379, 0.552] [0.785, 0.824] [0.436, 0.579] [0.796, 0.829]
ESHIAfter 0.740 0.740 0.740 0.740 0.740 0.740
- - - - - -
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
- - - - - -
DWLm 1.126*** 0.01*** 6.572*** 0.017*** 6.033*** 0.017***
[0.529, 1.971] [0.01, 0.011] [4.333, 8.549] [0.015, 0.019] [4.291, 8.39] [0.015, 0.018]
0.164*** 0.144*** 0.223*** 0.057*** 0.174*** 0.052***
[0.096, 0.361] [0.096, 0.235] [0.149, 0.285] [0.047, 0.069] [0.131, 0.236] [0.045, 0.061]





p<0.1, 95% confidence intervals reported; CIs block bootstrapped by state.

Including full 18–64 population; only includes interview months.

All specifications include individual, state, and state*large firm fixed effects. Monthly weights used.

Large firm defined as >25 employees.