Figure 6.
The behavior of the error incurred when approximating the smooth surface of an ideal ellipsoid using polyhedra with increasing number of faces. The gold standard is an ideal ellipsoid with a known closed form FT. a) The log of the l2-norm of the gold standard volume versus the number of faces in the triangular mesh. Arrows indicate error corresponding to meshes in Figure 2 and subfigures b and c show image space and k-space details respectively for these meshes. b top row) The z=0 slice of reconstructed 3D volume and image space error. c) The intensity profiles corresponding to the dotted lines on the slices. b bottom row) The magnitude of the image space error for the z=0 slice. d top row) The log of the absolute value of the k-space error corresponding to the kz=0 plane. d bottom row) The log of the absolute value of the k-space error normalized by the absolute value of the gold standard.