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. 2016 Apr 20;10:150. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00150

Table 3A.

An overview of attention training studies with double baseline measurement.

Study Population Sample size Training (focus) Duration training (actual mean) Setting Outcome measures Significance of comparisons of pre-training (t0), second baseline (t0b), post-training (t1), and follow-up (t2) Multiple testing adjusted Ecological valid measure Train. improv. Evaluated Reported conflicts of interest
Within Ss Between Ss
t0b–t0 t1–t0 t2–t0 t2–t1 t1–t0 t2–t0 t2–t1
Gauggel et al., 1996 ABI, post-acute - chronic (4–16 m post onset) with deficit in ≥2/3 NPA att. tasks N = 4 Hierarchical (alertness, RT, vigilance, suppress interference, selective and divided att.) 30–40 min, 5 d/w, 2–4 w = 12.5 h (unkn.) Unkn. Attention: No No, only global question-naire No Not reported
  WDG *a . . . . .
  Numb. connect. *a *a . . . . .
  D2 *a . . . . .
  Logical mem. . . . . .
  Assoc. learning . . . . .
CFT - Rey . . . . .
LPS (IQ) . . . . .
Sat. w Life Scale *a . . . . .
CES-D . . . . .
Hauke et al., 2011 Brainstem encephalitis, chronic (4.5 y post onset) N = 1 CogniPlus (alertness) 45 min, 5 d/w, 3 w = 11 h (unkn.) Unkn. Intrinsic alert. * . - . . . No Yes, question-naire of att. deficit No Not reported
Focused att. * * . - - . . .
Vigilance * * . - . . .
Divided att.:
  Audio * * . - - . . .
  Visual * * . - . . .
subj. att. (FEDA) . * . - . . .
Ponsford et al., 1988 Very severe HI, post-acute (<9 m post onset) with deficit in SoP N = 15 (10 comple-ted) Unkn. (speed of visual RT, visual search, selective att.) 15 times 30 min, 3 w = 7.5 h (unkn.) Rehab.? Four-choice RT . . . . No Yes, clerical task No Not reported
SDMT . . . .
2-letter cancel. . . . .
Similarities . * . . . .
subj. Att. Beh. * . . . .
Clerical task . . . . .
Sturm et al., 2003 ABI, post-acute - chronic (3 m - 13 y post onset) with att. deficits in ≥2 att. domains N = 33: 9: alertness 7: vigilance 11: selective att. 6: divided att. AIXTENT (either alertness, vigilance, selective, or divided att.) + CAU (but no other att. therapies) 14 times 1 h = 14 h (unkn.) Rehab. TAP: Yes, Bonfer-roni correct. No No Not reported
    Phasic -* +b . . . . .
    Intrinsic -* +b . . . . .
    Error -* -* . . . . .
    Omission -* +b . . . . .
  Selective att.:
    Error -* -* . . . . .
    RT -* -* . . . . .
  Divided att.:
    Omission + +b . . . . .

+, significant (sign.) and survives adjustment for multiple testing (Bonferroni-Holm adjustment is based on the number of outcome measures used at that time-point); -, not sign.; *, sign. but unknown whether it would survive adjustment; -*, not sign. but unknown whether it would be sign. without adjustment; - -, sign; decrease ↑, improvement but not statistically tested;., not mentioned in methods; a, max 1/4 of patients sign. improved; b, max 1/4 training programs resulted in sign. improvement.

Train. improv., training improvements; Ss, subjects; N, sample size; y, years; m, months; w, weeks; d/w, days per week; h, hours; min, minutes; ABI, acquired brain injury; NPA, Neuropsychological assessment; att., attention; HI, head injury; SoP, speed of processing; RT, reaction time; unkn., unknown; CAU, care as usual; rehab., rehabilitation center; correct., correction.

Abbreviations neuropsychological tests: WDG, Wiener Determination Apparatus; Numb. connect., Number Connection Test; WMS, Wechsler Memory Scale; mem., memory; Assoc., Associated; CFT, Complex Figure Test; LPS, Leistungsprüfsystem; Sat. w Life Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale; CES-D, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; alert., alertness; subj. att. (FEDA), subjective attention (Fragebogen erlebter Defizite der Aufmerksamkeit); SDMT, Symbol Digit Modalities Test; 2-letter cancel., Two-letter cancellation task; subj. Att. Beh., Rating Scale of Attentional Behaviors; TAP, Test of Attentional Performance.