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. 2016 Apr 20;7:545. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00545

Table 1.

Features of bacteriophage UAB_Phi20 genome, ORFs, gene products, and functional assignments.

ORF Gene Position (nt) Strand No of amino acids Predictive function Closest hit (Accession number) % Amino acid identity Best e-value
From To
1 27 173 + 48 Unknown Hypothetical protein P22gp50(NP_059609.1) 100 9.E-25
2 gp18 166 981 + 271 DNA replication (primase) Hypothetical protein P22gp51 (NP_059610.1) 100 0
3 gp12 978 2354 + 458 DNA replication (helicase) Hypothetical protein P22gp52 (NP_059611.1) 100 0
4 ninA 2351 2431 + 26 Unknown Nin A [Enterobacteria phage P22](YP_063725.1) 100 5.E-20
5 ninB 2428 2865 + 145 Unknown NinB [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059612.1) 99 6.E-101
6 ninD 2862 3035 + 57 Unknown Nin D [Enterobacteria phage P22] (YP_063726.1) 100 7.E-35
7 ninE 3002 3178 + 58 Unknown Nin E [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059614.1) 100 6.E-34
8 ninX 3175 3513 + 112 Unknown Nin X [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059615.1) 100 1.E-77
9 ninF 3506 3682 + 58 Unknown Nin F [Enterobacteria phage P22] (YP_063727.1) 100 2.E-33
10 ninG 3672 4286 + 203 Unknown Nin G [Enterobacteria phage P22] (YP_063728.1) 100 6.E-145
11 ninY 4283 4507 + 74 Unknown Nin Y [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059618.1) 100 5.E-48
12 ninH 4504 4707 + 67 Unknown Nin H [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059619.1) 100 3.E-41
13 ninZ 4688 4867 + 59 Unknown Nin Z [Enterobacteria phage P22] (YP_063729.1) 100 3.E-34
14 23 4864 5487 + 207 Transcription antitermination protein Gp63 [Enterobacteria phage P22] (YP_063730.1) 100 9.E-153
15 5577 5786 + 69 Unknown Hypothetical protein ε34gp63 (YP_002533523.1) 97 2.E-40
16 5809 5913 + 34 Unknown
17 gp13 5922 6248 + 108 Holin Holin [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059621.1) 100 1.E-70
18 gp19 6229 6669 + 146 Lysozyme Gp66 [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059622.1) 100 1.E-101
19 gp15 6804 7103 + 99 Endopeptidase Rz Hypothetical protein P22gp67 (NP_059623.2) 100 2.E-64
20 Rz1 6838 7050 + 70 Lipoprotein Rz1 precursor Hypothetical protein P22gp68 (YP_063732.1) 100 1.E-34
21 7144 7329 + 61 Unknown
22 Rha 7322 7858 + 178 Unknown Rha [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059624.1) 100 9.E-130
23 7940 8296 + 118 Unknown Hypothetical protein SE1gp48 (YP_002455884) 100 7.E-78
24 8300 8689 + 129 Unknown Hypothetical protein ST64Tp49 (NP_720323.1) 100 8.E-92
25 8689 9093 + 134 Unknown Hypothetical protein ST64Tp50 (NP_720324.1) 100 2.E-90
26 gp3 9097 9585 + 162 Terminase (small subunit) ST64Tp51 (NP_720325.1) 100 3.E-116
27 gp2 9737 11062 + 441 Terminase (large subunit) Gp2 [Enterobacteria phage ST104] (YP_006405) 99 0
28 gp1 11062 13239 + 725 Portal protein Gp1 [Salmonella enterica bacteriophage SE1] (YP_002455889.1) 100 0
29 gp8 13253 14164 + 303 Scaffolding protein Gp8 [Enterobacteria phage P22] (YP_063736.1) 100 0
30 gp5 14164 15456 + 430 Coat protein Coat protein [Enterobacteria phage ST64T] (NP_720329.1) 99 0
31 15495 15704 + 69 Unknown Hypothetical protein P22gp06 (NP_059631.1) 100 5.E-40
32 gp4 15688 16188 + 166 DNA stabilization protein Gp4[Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059632.1) 100 8.E-120
33 gp10 16148 17566 + 472 Packaged DNA stabilization protein Head completion protein [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059633.1) 100 0
34 gp26 17570 18271 + 233 Head completion protein Gp26[Enterobacteria phage P22] (YP_063715.1) 100 5.E-165
35 gp14 18271 18726 + 151 Head assembly protein Gp14 [Enterobacteria phage P22] (YP_063716.1) 100 6.E-109
36 gp7 18729 19418 + 229 Injection protein Gp7 [Enterobacteria phage P22] (YP_063717.1) 100 2.E-154
37 gp20 19429 20844 + 471 Injection protein Gp20 [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059637.1) 100 0
38 gp16 20844 22673 + 609 Injection protein Gp16 [Enterobacteria phage P22] (YP_063718.1) 100 0
39 sieA 23406 22696 236 Superinfection exclusion SieA [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059639.1) 99 7.E-110
40 hkcC 23221 23586 + 121 Unknown hkcC [Bacteriophage HK620] (NP_112089.1) 100 5.E-85
41 23794 23600 64 Unknown Hypothetical protein P22gp16 (NP_059640.1) 98 5.E-33
42 mnt 24130 23879 83 Maintenance of lysogeny Mnt [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059641.1) 100 2.E-53
43 arc 24158 24382 + 74 Transcriptional repressor Repressor arc [Escherichia coli MS 16-3] (EFU59036.1) 99 8.E-46
44 ant 24451 25353 + 300 Antirepressor Ant [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059643.1) 100 0
45 gp9 25564 27567 + 667 Tailspike protein (Endorhamnosidase) Tailspike protein [Enterobacteria phage P22] (AAF75060.1) 99 0
46 gtrC 28858 27626 410 O-antigen conversion; glucosyl transferase GtrC [Enterobacteria phage P22] (YP_063719.1) 100 0
47 28879 28983 34 Unknown
48 gtrB 30050 29073 325 O-antigen conversión; bactoprenol glucosyl transferase GtrB [Enterobacteria phage ST64T] (NP_720276.1) 99 0
49 gtrA 30364 30002 120 O-antigen conversión; translocase (flipase) GtrA [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059583.1) 100 2.E-80
50 30538 30660 + 40 Unknown
51 int 31876 30713 387 Integrase Int [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059584.1) 99 0
52 xis 32103 31753 116 Excisionase Xis [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059585.1) 100 3.E-79
53 eaC 32741 32106 211 Unknown EaC [Enterobacteria phage P22] YP_063720.1 99 7.E-154
54 eaG 33021 32842 60 Unknown EaG [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059587.1) 100 4.E-34
55 eaA 34071 33118 317 Unknown EaA [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059588.1) 100 0
56 eaI 34269 34075 64 Unknown EaI [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059589.1) 100 3.E-36
57 35147 34266 293 Unknown ORF8 [Enterobacteria phage ST104] (YP_006364.1) 91 1.E-116
58 35726 35217 169 Unknown ORF9 [Enterobacteria phage ST104] (YP_006365.1) 100 2.E-118
59 35893 35723 56 Unknown ORF10 [Enterobacteria phage ST104] (YP_006366.1) 100 7.E-33
60 abc2 36197 35904 97 Anti Rec-BCD protein Abc2 [Enterobacteria phage ST104] (YP_006367.1) 100 4.E-63
61 abc1 36528 36244 94 Anti Rec-BCD protein Abc1 [Enterobacteria phage ST104] (YP_006368.1) 100 3.E-62
62 erf 37235 36528 235 Recombination protein ORF13 [Enterobacteria phage ST104] (YP_006369.1) 100 1.E-173
63 arf 37375 37232 47 Recombination protein Arf [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059597.1) 100 3.E-24
64 kil 37553 37365 62 Inhibitor of host septation Kil [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059598.1) 100 2.E-38
65 c3 37692 37534 52 Regulatory protein C3 [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059599.1) 100 2.E-29
66 17 38089 37778 103 Superinfection exclusion Hypothetical protein P22gp40 (NP_059600.1) 100 9.E-70
67 38040 38159 + 39 Unknown
68 38440 38237 67 Unknown Hypothetical protein P22gp41 (CAA33649.1) 99 4.E-41
69 38676 38440 78 Unknown Hypothetical protein P22gp42 (NP_059602.1) 100 2.E-47
70 38773 38648 41 Unknown Hypothetical protein ST64Tp22 (NP_720296.1) 92 5.E-07
71 ral 38907 38713 64 Antirestriction protein Ral [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059603.1) 100 2.E-37
72 38977 38891 28 Unknown Hypothetical protein lambdap47 (NP_040623.1) 100 4.E-27
73 sieB 38945 39700 + 251 Superinfection exclusion SieB [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059604.1) 100 3.E-138
74 24 40023 39721 100 Antitermination protein Hypothetical protein P22gp46 (NP_059605.1) 100 3.E-65
75 40043 40255 + 70 Unknown
76 c2 41027 40377 + 216 Prophage repressor C2 [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059606.1) 100 4.E-158
77 cro 41108 41293 + 61 Antirepressor Cro [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059607.1) 100 2.E-35
78 41354 41241 37 Unknown
79 c1 41400 41678 + 92 Transcriptional activator C1 [Enterobacteria phage P22] (NP_059608.1) 100 2.E-59
80 41668 41809 + 46 Unknown

Gene numbers correspond with their predicted function, if known, followed by the nature of the evidence that supports the functional classification. Genes with no functional prediction, but with significant sequence similarity to genes in the NCBI database as determined by BLASTP are also listed.