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. 2016 Apr 20;10:7. doi: 10.1186/s13031-016-0071-z

Table 2.

Demographics and recent experiences of violence, as identified by the ASIST-GBV screening tool among participants of the pilot testing phase in Ethiopia and Colombia (N = 503)

Ethiopia (N = 434) Colombia (N = 69)
n Col % n Col %
 Camp 86 19.8 Guaviare 69 100.0
 Addis Ababa 348 80.2
Median age (range) 29 (15–90) 39 (19–78)
Median years in camp/displaced setting (range) 4 (0–21) 8 (0–28)
Marital status
 Married/Living together as married 213 49.3 32 46.4
 Separated/Divorced/Widowed 145 33.6 25 36.2
 Never married 74 17.1 12 17.4
Country of origin / Ethnicity
 Burundi 7 1.6 Afro-Colombiana 4 6.2
 DRC 18 4.2 Indigena 2 3.1
 Eritrea 32 7.4 Mestizo/Blanco 56 86.2
 Kenya 2 0.5 Other 3 4.6
 Somalia 371 85.7
 Uganda 1 0.2
 Other 2 0.5
Self-reported history of GBV (lifetime)
 No 314 72.5 50 72.5
 Yes 119 27.5 19 27.5
Recent GBV (ASIST-GBV items)
 Threatened/insulted 245 56.6 18 26.1
 Physically hurt 187 43.2 13 18.8
 Forced sex 110 25.5 9 13.0
 Sexual exploitation 49 11.3 7 10.1
 Forced pregnancy 78 18.1 2 2.9
 Forced abortiona NA NA 1 1.4
 Forced marriage 41 9.5 2 2.9
Any type of GBV 282 64.8 31 44.9
Accepted a referral (if ASIST-GBV is positive) 157 55.9 27 90.0

aScreening item about forced abortion not included in Ethiopian instrument