HL7 V 3 |
Compatible with ISO 8601 standard. Canonical format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. Time zones: “+hh:mm”, “− hh:mm” relative to UTC. Operators: = =,+,−. |
Is a Physical quantity of time, measured by seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years. |
Provides choices between: open interval, closed interval, high open, high closed, low open, low closed. |
Use Period (derived from mathematical modulus) and phase (derived from mathematical remainder) to represent periodic points and intervals in time. |
Represented using Union (∪) and or Intersection (∩) of periodic times |
Derived from ISO 8601:2004. Format: Date/Time stamp from calendar: my/mm/did/hh:mm:so |
Use DateTimeDiff function, which returns the quantity of time between two points. |
Covers 25 different temporal operators between intervals. |
N/A |
N/A |
Use the ISO 8601 format with the syntax: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. UUUU [+|−ZZzz] Operator: >, <, >=, <= |
It’s a Physical Quantity (PQ), which has a value and unit. |
Represents closed interval of physical quantities by using properties, Low and High. |
Represented by Ratio Physical Quantity with a numerator and denominator |
N/A |
OpenEHR |
Represents absolute time as Conform to ISO 8601. Allow missing information to represent approximate time stamps. |
Represents period of time in customary format, i.e. days, hours, minutes etc. |
Derived from a generic interval defined for physical quantity package |
Loosely expressed by common specifications. |
N/A |
Time and Date from calendar. |
It’s a length of time between specified events. |
Represented by Time or Time/Date. |
Limited to specific information about frequency such as daily, weekly. |
N/A |